Let’s meet

Noah Kreischer

Candidate for State Representative,
Pennsylvania House District 89


The proof:

“Thank you to Choice Tracker for compiling Rep. Kauffman's and my platforms on abortion. The difference between us is stark on this issue, and I'm grateful to be presenting a real choice for the voters of the 89th!”

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2024 Election

Support Noah

For House District 89

Because this would be a disaster:


Rob Kauffman

Rob sponsored a bill that bans abortion after fetal cardiac activity is detected, which is around 6 weeks, unless the physician certifies an abortion is necessary.

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The latest from Noah

In response to a Voter Guide question: "Should state taxpayer funding be allowed for elective abortions?" he replied: "Yes. On principle I believe in a public option (with private insurance still existing as part of a free market) so yes, I support this- and medical care in general- having a degree of public funding."

Sep 1, 2024

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“My only comment on abortion is that it's none of my business, & the government has no right to interfere in reproductive (or any kind of) healthcare. I support this being a decision left to be made between women, their doctors, their closest confidants and their own personal conscience.”

Sep 1, 2024

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“Thank you to Choice Tracker for compiling Rep. Kauffman's and my platforms on abortion. The difference between us is stark on this issue, and I'm grateful to be presenting a real choice for the voters of the 89th!”

Sep 1, 2024

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“As your Representative in Harrisburg, I'll support the right to choose every time”

Dec 13, 2023

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