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They’re the ones making the rules. (Literally.)

New Hampshire State Representatives and State Senators will make and vote for abortion laws on your behalf. Make sure they’re fighting for you.
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Here’s the latest in the fight for abortion rights in New Hampshire:


A constitutional amendment that would protect the right to abortion up to 24 weeks

Dec 15, 2023

Review Bill

SB 567

A bill that directs the commissioner of the Department of Health and Human Services to compile a report on the availability of mifepristone and misoprostol.

Dec 14, 2023

Review Bill

SB 575

A bill prohibiting adverse action and extradition on health care providers providing certain reproductive healthcare; restricts sharing of reproductive medical information with out-of-state agencies

Dec 14, 2023

Review Bill

HB 1541

A bill that requires abortions afeter15 weeks be performed in a hospital with an ICU and the presence of two physicians; mandates preservation of life for viable infants unless mother’s health is at risk

Dec 11, 2023

Review Bill

HCR 11

A resolution in support of mifepristone and medication abortion access.

Dec 6, 2023

Review Bill

HB 1248

A bill banning abortion at 15 days and criminalizes any healthcare provider that knowingly conducts an abortion past this gestational period

Dec 1, 2023

Review Bill

HB 591

Jan 12, 2023

Review Bill

HB 582

A bill that requires the collection and reporting of data for abortions performed in the state

Jan 11, 2023

Review Bill

HB 224

A bill that repeals the criminal and financial penalties that could be imposed upon doctors from the current abortion ban

Jan 9, 2023

Review Bill

HB 271

A bill that fully repeals the current 24 week abortion ban.

Jan 9, 2023

Review Bill


A constitutional amendment that would add the right of all persons to make their own reproductive decisions to the New Hampshire constitution.

Dec 23, 2022

Review Bill

HB 1654

A bill that requires the collection and reporting of data for abortions performed in the state

Dec 30, 2021

Review Bill