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They’re the ones making the rules. (Literally.)

Kansas State Representatives and State Senators will make and vote for abortion laws on your behalf. Make sure they’re fighting for you.
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Here’s the latest in the fight for abortion rights in Kansas:

HB 2814

A bill that requires patients receive an ultrasound before accessing abortion care except in medical emergencies

Feb 21, 2024

Review Bill

SB 528

A bill that requires patients receive an ultrasound before accessing abortion care except in medical emergencies

Feb 21, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2813

A bill that makes coercion to obtain an abortion a crime.

Feb 21, 2024

Review Bill

SB 527

A bill that makes coercion to obtain an abortion a crime.

Feb 21, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2809

A bill that establishes support services for pregnant women and new mothers, and excludes abortion providers from participating in the program.

Feb 20, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2789

A bill that establishes support services for pregnant women and new mothers, and excludes abortion providers from participating in the program.

Feb 9, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2749

A bill that requires patients to provide a reason for getting an abortion from a pre-determined list and that information be reported to state government

Feb 7, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2737

A bill that makes all abortions subject to criminal prosecution and removes any exceptions to the wrongful cause of death action for lawful abortions.

Feb 7, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2653

A bill that provides for child support from the day of conception. Kansas law already allows for prenatal child support

Jan 31, 2024

Review Bill

SB 425

A bill allowing child support orders for unborn children for mother’s direct medical and pregnancy-related expenses but not for costs related to elective abortions.

Jan 30, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2515

A bill that allows lawsuits against any healthcare provider who injures an infant during an attempted abortion.

Jan 17, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2492

A bill that prohibits abortion except to preserve the life of a pregnant woman

Jan 10, 2024

Review Bill