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State legislative elections are the focus of this fight.

Pennsylvania State Representatives and State Senators will make and vote for abortion laws on your behalf. Vote for people who will fight for pro-choice laws.

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Let’s dive in.

Here’s the latest in the fight for abortion rights in Pennsylvania:

HB 2465

A bill requiring certain hospitals to provide abortions as an emergency stabilizing treatment

Jun 28, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2463

A bill requiring private medical consultation and informed consent prior to performance of an abortion, except in a medical emergency

Jun 28, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2219

A bill repealing the prohibition of abortion coverage in qualified health plans offered through the health insurance exchange

Apr 16, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2056

A bill that repeals limitations on government properties and public funds from being used for abortion services or abortion-related legal services

Feb 23, 2024

Review Bill

HB 2057

A bill that repeals limitations against the use of public funds for abortions

Feb 23, 2024

Review Bill

HB 1589

A bill that protects patients from the unauthorized disclosure of personal health information by a limited services pregnancy center, with some exceptions

Jul 25, 2023

Review Bill

HB 1484

A bill prohibiting non-profits and their subcontracts from giving false or misleading information, including in advertising, and holding them to the same family planning standards as a health care facility

Jun 21, 2023

Review Bill

HR 156

A resolution designating June 2023 as “Life Month” in PA and calls on all communities to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade on 6/24/23

Jun 20, 2023

Review Bill

HB 1194

A bill that repeals limitations on government properties and public funds from being used for abortion services or abortion-related legal services

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

HB 1195

A bill that repeals restrictions on public funds from being used by state or local agencies for the performance of abortion

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

HB 1193

A bill that appropriates $10 million for family planning providers to maximize access to family planning services

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

HB 1192

A bill that repeals family planning funding limitations

May 18, 2023

Review Bill