Let’s meet

Nikil Saval

State Senator,
Pennsylvania Senate District 1


The proof:

Nikil sponsored a bill that would prohibit anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centers” from sharing their clients’ nonpublic personal health information without written consent.

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The latest from Nikil

This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood for the 2024 election.

Mar 15, 2024

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Sponsored SB 237

Nikil sponsored a bill prohibiting non-profits and their subcontracts from giving false or misleading information, including in advertising, and holding them to the same family planning standards as a health care facility.

Jan 31, 2023

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“This week's results underscore how wholly out of touch Trump Republicans are with the people they proclaim to want to represent. Voters in CA, MI, & VT enshrined the right to abortion care in their constitutions. KY and MT rejected anti-abortion measures. The people have spoken.”

Nov 10, 2022

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“8 out of 10 Pennsylvanians support a person's essential freedom to make the decisions best for themselves and their families. Thank you, @RepFiedler, and all who stood on our Capitol steps to demand protection for reproductive rights and abortion care.”

Oct 25, 2022

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“All people deserve the freedom to make the decisions best for themselves and their families. On Monday, October 24, come to Harrisburg and demand our state protect this freedom by enshrining our rights to reproductive health and abortion care:”

Oct 17, 2022

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“Amazing turnout on a beautiful day to defend our freedom and right to choose our representatives. AGAIN. Legislators who have never cared for Philly are trying to weaponize our pain to advance their neofascist agenda. @nic_orourke @RepKrajewski @UNITEHEREPhilly”

Sep 29, 2022

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“Proud of @RepFiedler and my colleagues in the PA House for their work to protect Pennsylvanians' right to bodily autonomy and freedom to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. The right to abortion care is a cornerstone of all of this.”

Sep 19, 2022

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“Philly can, and will, lead the charge to defend abortion access. Grateful to @HelenGymAtLarge, @CouncilmemberJG, and @KendraPHL for their leadership in the fight to protect reproductive rights, freedoms, and care. I've signed on and hope you will join me:”

Sep 16, 2022

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“Max! Max loves tearing up the furniture, cuddling, and being a weirdo. She cares deeply about bodily autonomy and reproductive health care. Max knows that freedom to make decisions best for one's life and one's family is vital. (She’s an honorary member of the Team Saval Pack.)”

Aug 26, 2022

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“Congratulations to the people of Kansas, who sent a clear message to the anti-abortion extremists in their legislature by voting to protect abortion care, bodily autonomy, and a person's freedom to make the decisions best for themselves and their families.”

Aug 3, 2022

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“Thank you, @GovernorTomWolf, for taking action to protect abortion in Pennsylvania. This is an important front in the larger fight to enshrine a person's rights to freedom and bodily autonomy and care. #SB106 is GOP gaslighting, with deadly consequences.”

Jul 28, 2022

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Voted No on SB 106

Nikil voted against a bill that proposes to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to exclude any rights relating to abortion.

Jul 8, 2022

Review Bill

“Second, we must pass laws to expand and protect abortion access, including @SenCappelletti’s bill to codify Roe in PA and @SenSantarsiero’s proposal to establish a right to privacy in the PA Constitution.”

Jul 8, 2022

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“Republicans rammed through a proposed anti-abortion constitutional amendment near midnight, even though the vast majority of Pennsylvanians WANT safe, legal, accessible abortions.”

Jul 8, 2022

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“Given the opportunity, they would pass this amendment and pass legislation to make abortion illegal in PA, denying lifesaving care to millions. We can and must stop this.”

Jul 8, 2022

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“Finally, on top of these actions, we must organize people in our communities. Get involved with your local abortion fund or reproductive rights group, and talk with you neighbors about the importance of safe, legal, accessible abortions for all who want them.”

Jul 8, 2022

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“Third, the Governor and Attorney General must issue orders to protect abortion providers in PA from out-of-state prosecution when provide an abortion for a person seeking medical care from a state that has outlawed it.”

Jul 8, 2022

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“PA Republicans in the General Assembly are pushing a constitutional amendment to strip abortion rights from Pennsylvanians. My remarks from earlier today on this cynical maneuver.”

Jul 8, 2022

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“PA Republicans want a constitutional amendment to strip away abortion care. We must: ➡️Ensure a pro-abortion Governor and legislature. ➡️Expand abortion access in PA. ➡️Protect abortion providers from out-of-state prosecution. ➡️Defeat this proposed amendment. ?”

Jul 8, 2022

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“At midnight with an overdue budget, you’d think we'd be considering how to allocate our $10bn surplus. How to lift wages. How to expand health care and support schools. Instead, a handful of people disregarded the needs of those they swore to represent and voted against abortion.”

Jul 8, 2022

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“The PA legislature must codify a person's rights to abortion care and the freedom to make the decisions best for their life. I'm grateful to my colleagues for their leadership here, and I'm proud to join them as a co-sponsor of this vital legislation.”

Jun 28, 2022

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“Ellen, thank you so much for reaching out -- I'm opposed to SB956 and am committed to protecting a person's right to abortion care and freedom to make the decisions best for their life and their family. Keep up this pressure! All your representatives need to hear from you.”

Jun 27, 2022

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Voted No on SB 956

Nikil voted against a bill that proposes to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to exclude any rights relating to abortion.

Jun 6, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored SB 1217

Nikil sponsored a bill that would prohibit anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centers” from sharing their clients’ nonpublic personal health information without written consent.

Jun 1, 2022

Review Bill

“I joined hundreds of my neighbors at the federal courthouse and City Hall to demand that the Supreme Court uphold a person's right to an abortion and that Congress codify Roe immediately.”

May 4, 2022

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“Abortion is a fundamental right. I will be at the Philadelphia federal courthouse this evening at 5pm to rally in support of the right to an abortion and to call on Congress to codify Roe into law. Join me tonight at 6th and Market.”

May 3, 2022

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