Let’s meet

Melissa Shusterman

State Representative,
Pennsylvania House District 157


The proof:

Melissa sponsored a bill that repeals the Abortion Control Act and establishes the Bodily Autonomy Act, which safeguards abortion access for patients and providers.

Review Bill

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2024 Election

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For House District 157

Because this would be a disaster:


Regina Mauro

PA Pro-Life Federation, an Anti-Abortion group, endorsed this candidate in the 2024 General Election.

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The latest from Melissa

“Florida’s Trump Abortion Ban prohibits abortion before most women even know they are pregnant & only exists because Trump overturned Roe – a fact that he proudly brags about. I am all in for @KamalaHarris she trusts women to make decisions about their own bodies.”

Aug 31, 2024

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“About 60% of the public disapprove of the decision to strip away access to reproductive health care and the decision to allow state politicians to determine what a woman can and cannot do with her body. #AbortionIsHealthcare #reproductivehealth #womenshealthcare #abortionaccess”

Aug 7, 2024

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Sponsored HB 2463

Melissa sponsored a bill requiring private medical consultation and informed consent prior to performance of an abortion, except in a medical emergency.

Jun 28, 2024

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2465

Melissa sponsored a bill requiring certain hospitals to provide abortions as an emergency stabilizing treatment.

Jun 28, 2024

Review Bill

VoteProChoice endorsed this candidate for the 2024 election.

May 28, 2024

See Endorsement List

Sponsored HB 2219

Melissa sponsored a bill repealing the prohibition of abortion coverage in qualified health plans offered through the health insurance exchange.

Apr 16, 2024

Review Bill

This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood for the 2024 election.

Mar 15, 2024

See Endorsement List

Sponsored HB 2057

Melissa sponsored a bill that repeals limitations against the use of public funds for abortions.

Feb 23, 2024

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2056

Melissa sponsored a bill that repeals limitations on government properties and public funds from being used for abortion services or abortion-related legal services.

Feb 23, 2024

Review Bill

“This Valentine's Day, show the women in your life how much you love them by supporting their right to choose & defending access to safe reproductive healthcare. #ValentinesDay #AbortionIsHealthcare #reproductiverights”

Feb 14, 2024

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“For decades, mifepristone has been a safe, reliable reproductive care option for women. I stand by @GovernorShapiro in urging #SCOTUS to maintain FDA approval of #mifepristone, which provides equitable #abortion access, especially in areas where care can be difficult to obtain.”

Jan 31, 2024

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While extremists in other states relentlessly work to restrict women’s rights, it’s reassuring to know that the #PASupremeCourt recognizes reproductive autonomy as a “fundamental right” protected by our state constitution. #AbortionIsHealthcare #reproductivefreedom

Jan 30, 2024

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Show More Statements

“Where you live should NOT determine whether you have access to essential healthcare & basic human rights. Abortion remains safe & legal in PA, but legislators must act to ensure that our mothers, daughters, & sisters will always have access to safe, necessary, life-saving care.”

Jan 22, 2024

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“All people have the right to make decisions about their own bodies & reproductive futures. Period. It's been 10+yrs since an #abortion protection bill has reached the House floor, & #HB1786, which I sponsored w/@RepMJDaley, passed w/BIPARTISAN support.”

Nov 18, 2023

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“Since #Dobbs, an alarming number of states have enacted bans on #abortion. It's clear lawmakers in these states don’t trust women to make their own healthcare decisions. Today, I voted for #HB1786 to shield #reproductivehealthcare providers from out-of-state prosecution.”

Nov 13, 2023

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Sponsored HB 1589

Melissa sponsored a bill that protects patients from the unauthorized disclosure of personal health information by a limited services pregnancy center, with some exceptions.

Jul 25, 2023

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Sponsored HB 1484

Melissa sponsored a bill prohibiting non-profits and their subcontracts from giving false or misleading information, including in advertising, and holding them to the same family planning standards as a health care facility.

Jun 21, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 1194

Melissa sponsored a bill that repeals limitations on government properties and public funds from being used for abortion services or abortion-related legal services.

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 1195

Melissa sponsored a bill that repeals restrictions on public funds from being used by state or local agencies for the performance of abortion.

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 1192

Melissa sponsored a bill that repeals family planning funding limitations.

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 1193

Melissa sponsored a bill that appropriates $10 million for family planning providers to maximize access to family planning services.

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 1118

Melissa sponsored a bill that defines crisis pregnancy centers and prevents state funding of them.

May 5, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 924

Melissa sponsored a bill authorizing the Governor of Pennsylvania to join the Women’s Reproductive Health Care Compact with other states to protect and defend reproductive rights.

Apr 17, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 802

Melissa sponsored a bill protecting the licenses of professional nurses who provide reproductive health services to non-residents.

Apr 4, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 800

Melissa sponsored a bill protecting patients from disclosure of reproductive health information by certain covered entities.

Apr 4, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 810

Melissa sponsored a bill that repeals spousal notification requirements for abortion.

Apr 4, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 428

Melissa sponsored a bill that repeals the Abortion Control Act and establishes the Bodily Autonomy Act, which safeguards abortion access for patients and providers.

Mar 15, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2915

Melissa sponsored a bill that would protect against out-of-state civil and criminal actions for reproductive health services.

Nov 2, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2877

Melissa sponsored a bill that would replace the current “Abortion Control Act” with a sweeping new “Bodily Autonomy Act”.

Oct 20, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2847

Melissa sponsored a bill that would expand the types of healthcare professionals allowed to provide abortions.

Oct 17, 2022

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Planned Parenthood has endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Oct 6, 2022

See Endorsement List

Sponsored HB 2867

Melissa sponsored a bill that would remove unnecessary and irrelevant medical tests prior to an abortion.

Oct 4, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2766

Melissa sponsored a bill that would protect patients by prohibiting any state or local agencies from cooperating with out-of-state abortion-related investigations.

Aug 11, 2022

Review Bill

Voted No on SB 106

Melissa voted against a bill that proposes to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to exclude any rights relating to abortion.

Jul 8, 2022

Review Bill

“The @PASenateGOP is working to pass a constitutional amendment to ban abortion. ➡️Abortion is still legal in PA, but this is the first step to denying women the right to control their own bodies. I will be speaking out against this bill today.”

Jul 8, 2022

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Sponsored HB 2626

Melissa sponsored a bill that bans funding to crisis pregnancy centers, and removes abortion-related restrictions from state-funded family planning providers.

May 27, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2628

Melissa sponsored a bill that would remove unnecessary financial restrictions on abortion providers.

May 27, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2629

Melissa sponsored a bill that allows public funding to be used for abortions without restriction.

May 27, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2627

Melissa sponsored a bill that allocates money to family planning providers, including entities that provide abortions, but specifically excludes crisis pregnancy centers.

May 27, 2022

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 1500

Melissa voted against a bill that prohibits abortions because of the prenatal diagnosis of down syndrome.

Jun 8, 2021

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 118

Melissa voted against a bill that would require health care facilities to cremate or bury abortion remains, placing unnecessary burden and expense on providers.

Jun 5, 2021

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Sponsored HB 733

Melissa sponsored a bill to codify Roe v. Wade’s protections into Pennsylvania law.

Mar 3, 2021

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 1890

Melissa voted against a bill that would require health care facilities to cremate or bury abortion remains, placing unnecessary burden and expense on providers.

Nov 18, 2019

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 321

Melissa voted against a bill that prohibits abortions because of the prenatal diagnosis of down syndrome.

May 14, 2019

Review Bill