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La'Tasha D. Mayes

State Representative,
Pennsylvania House District 24


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La'Tasha sponsored a bill protecting patients from disclosure of reproductive health information by certain covered entities.

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The latest from La'Tasha

“Thanks @MayaHarris_ for stopping in my district on the #ReproductiveFreedom Bus Tour for the #KamalaHarris campaign! From #abortion access to #Blackmaternalhealth, we covered the issues that your sister has fought for her entire career. When we fight, we will win on Nov. 5!”

Sep 20, 2024

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Sponsored HB 2465

La'Tasha sponsored a bill requiring certain hospitals to provide abortions as an emergency stabilizing treatment.

Jun 28, 2024

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VoteProChoice endorsed this candidate for the 2024 election.

May 28, 2024

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This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood for the 2024 election.

Mar 15, 2024

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Jan 29, 2024

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Sponsored HB 1589

La'Tasha sponsored a bill that protects patients from the unauthorized disclosure of personal health information by a limited services pregnancy center, with some exceptions.

Jul 25, 2023

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“In Pennsylvania, #abortion remains safe and legal. And guess what?! We’re gonna keep it that way! #latashaforpa #reproductivejustice #abortionaccess #dobbs #roevwade #roe”

Jun 24, 2023

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Sponsored HB 1484

La'Tasha sponsored a bill prohibiting non-profits and their subcontracts from giving false or misleading information, including in advertising, and holding them to the same family planning standards as a health care facility.

Jun 21, 2023

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Sponsored HB 1194

La'Tasha sponsored a bill that repeals limitations on government properties and public funds from being used for abortion services or abortion-related legal services.

May 18, 2023

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Sponsored HB 1195

La'Tasha sponsored a bill that repeals restrictions on public funds from being used by state or local agencies for the performance of abortion.

May 18, 2023

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Sponsored HB 1192

La'Tasha sponsored a bill that repeals family planning funding limitations.

May 18, 2023

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Sponsored HB 1193

La'Tasha sponsored a bill that appropriates $10 million for family planning providers to maximize access to family planning services.

May 18, 2023

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Sponsored HB 800

La'Tasha sponsored a bill protecting patients from disclosure of reproductive health information by certain covered entities.

Apr 4, 2023

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Sponsored HB 810

La'Tasha sponsored a bill that repeals spousal notification requirements for abortion.

Apr 4, 2023

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Sponsored HB 802

La'Tasha sponsored a bill protecting the licenses of professional nurses who provide reproductive health services to non-residents.

Apr 4, 2023

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Sponsored HB 232

La'Tasha sponsored a bill that prohibits any state or local agency from cooperating with out-of-state abortion-related investigations for activities legal in the state.

Mar 10, 2023

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“REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM ALLIANCE #reproductivejustice #reproductiverights #reproductivehealth”

Feb 21, 2023

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“A Sunday morning lesson on the difference between being pro-life vs. anti-abortion - enjoy. @rolandsmartin [Video Content]”

Feb 19, 2023

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“50 years after #RoevWade, our bodies are still on the line and our struggle for #reproductivejustice and #abortionaccess grows fiercer! We have won and lost since #Roe was overturned by the #SupremeCourt. I vow to do all I can to keep abortion safe, legal & accessible in #PA!”

Jan 22, 2023

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Planned Parenthood has endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Oct 6, 2022

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As I’ve said for years, people are “pro-life” until it’s time to have an #abortion. #HershelWalker like so many men have benefitted from a woman’s abortion decision but will then turn around and vilify abortion for political gain. Make it make sense.

Oct 4, 2022

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“La'Tasha is the Founder and Executive Director of New Voices for Reproductive Justice, a multi-state organization dedicated to the health and well-being of Black women, femmes and girls.”

Sep 6, 2022

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#VoteProChoice has endorsed this candidate for the 2022 election.

Sep 4, 2022

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“This morning, I testified at the Pennsylvania House & Senate Policy Committee hearing on #abortion in our Commonwealth. In a post-Roe world, we have to create what our communities need. I’m ready to build the #ReproductiveJustice future and I hope you are ready too. #latashaforpa”

Aug 11, 2022

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“The people of #Kansas - a deep red state - just protected the constitutional right to abortion by a vote of 63%-37%. We tried to tell you we’re not backing down! Republicans in Pennsylvania can try if they want but they will fail. And little known fact… I was born in Kansas.”

Aug 3, 2022

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“For nearly 20 years, I’ve organized for #reproductivejustice in PA & OH while leading @newvoicesrj. I’ve seen it all. This @NewYorker article tracks the little understood interdependence of abortion clinics, abortion funds & orgs that are in the same region but different states.”

Jul 22, 2022

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“Thank you @ETammyKim for including my voice in your @NewYorker article on the fragility of abortion access in Pennsylvania and Ohio. It is powerful, in-depth and compelling. #roevwade #reproductivejustice #latashaforpa”

Jul 22, 2022

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“107 of your State Representatives voted tonight to take away your right to #abortion in Pennsylvania. Republicans want a constitutional amendment on the ballot in 2023 and we are ready for the battle. Thank you to the @PAHouseDems for fighting the good fight! ?? #latashaforpa”

Jul 9, 2022

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“Black women are always leading the fight for abortion access from the House floor of our State Capitols to the frontlines of justice. As we build a new reality after #RoevWade, we must #TrustBlackWomen to lead. I can’t wait to join my colleagues in the PA House. #latashaforpa”

Jul 9, 2022

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“Leader @RepMcClinton bringing the heat to protect abortion access in #Pennsylvania against a Republican majority that only wants to silence women and folx who need abortions! ??? #roevwade #reproductivejustice”

Jul 9, 2022

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“The #Pennsylvania Senate just voted 28-22 to pass a constitutional amendment to ban abortion. There are more steps in this process which puts this issue on the ballot for voters. Abortion is still legal in Pennsylvania…for now. #roevwade #reproductivejustice #latashaforpa”

Jul 8, 2022

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“President Biden will sign an Executive Order to protect abortion access with the options available to him including expanded access to medication abortion, protecting contraceptive access & out-of-state travel. #roevwade #reproductivejustice #latashaforpa”

Jul 8, 2022

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“The overturning of #RoevWade impacts so many people in PA who need #abortion care and reproductive healthcare including the #LGBTQ+ community. Check out this @penncapitalstar article where I talk about abortion and LGBTQ+ discrimination. #latashaforpa”

Jul 7, 2022

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“Check out this @csmonitor article about Reproductive Justice and it’s meaning at the end of #RoevWade. #latashaforpa #reproductivejustice”

Jun 30, 2022

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“Roe v. Wade actions in #Pittsburgh tonight. I will speaking at the 5P rally. Be there. #roevwade #abortion #abortionaccess #reproductivejustice”

Jun 24, 2022

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“#Abortion is still legal in Pennsylvania. I am ready to continue leading the fight for abortion access and #ReproductiveJustice. We fight. We organize. We resist! ?? #roevwade”

Jun 24, 2022

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“Your government is about to take away your constitutional right to decide what to do with your body. As we wait for the #SCOTUS to overturn #RoevWade, we must be ready to fight and ready to defend abortion access in every state including #Pennsylvania! ??”

Jun 21, 2022

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