Let’s meet

Jennifer O'Mara

State Representative,
Pennsylvania House District 165


The proof:

Jennifer sponsored a bill that allocates money to family planning providers, including entities that provide abortions, but specifically excludes crisis pregnancy centers.

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2024 Election

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For House District 165

Because this would be a disaster:


Liz Piazza

“I support common sense solutions to protecting women’s health services. In 2022, there were over 34,000 abortions performed in Pennsylvania, practical compassionate people, whether pro-life or pro-choice should be able to agree we should be doing more to help women grappling with this decision. We should be looking for ways to reduce the number of abortions through increased preventative care.”

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The latest from Jennifer

VoteProChoice endorsed this candidate for the 2024 election.

May 28, 2024

See Endorsement List

This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood for the 2024 election.

Mar 15, 2024

See Endorsement List

Sponsored HB 2057

Jennifer sponsored a bill that repeals limitations against the use of public funds for abortions.

Feb 23, 2024

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Sponsored HB 2056

Jennifer sponsored a bill that repeals limitations on government properties and public funds from being used for abortion services or abortion-related legal services.

Feb 23, 2024

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 924

Jennifer sponsored a bill authorizing the Governor of Pennsylvania to join the Women’s Reproductive Health Care Compact with other states to protect and defend reproductive rights.

Apr 17, 2023

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“The recent case about Mifepristone has nothing to do with science or medicine. This is the latest in a long-running effort by anti-choice Republicans to put the government in charge of our bodies and ban all abortion.”

Apr 8, 2023

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“Republicans are using the courts to sidestep the will of the American people & decimate abortion care in all 50 states. Americans are strongly pro-choice & already rejected their extreme agenda at the ballot box last fall. (Remember Kansas?!)”

Apr 8, 2023

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“This fight is far from over. Here in Pennsylvania, pro-choice champions like me are working to protect our right to healthcare, including the right to abortion care, and we will not stop until abortion is permanently safe & legal in PA & across the nation.”

Apr 8, 2023

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“Mifepristone has been more than 99% safe,effective, & approved by the FDA for decades, but an extreme Republican judge is ignoring the advice of the American Medical Association & American College of Obstetricians because of the political demand to ban abortion nationwide.”

Apr 8, 2023

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Sponsored HB 428

Jennifer sponsored a bill that repeals the Abortion Control Act and establishes the Bodily Autonomy Act, which safeguards abortion access for patients and providers.

Mar 15, 2023

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Planned Parenthood has endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Oct 6, 2022

See Endorsement List

Sponsored HB 2817

Jennifer sponsored a bill that proposes an amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution, describing a fundamental right to personal reproductive liberty.

Sep 14, 2022

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#VoteProChoice has endorsed this candidate for the 2022 election.

Sep 4, 2022

See Endorsement List

Voted No on SB 106

Jennifer voted against a bill that proposes to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to exclude any rights relating to abortion.

Jul 8, 2022

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Sponsored HB 2627

Jennifer sponsored a bill that allocates money to family planning providers, including entities that provide abortions, but specifically excludes crisis pregnancy centers.

May 27, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2628

Jennifer sponsored a bill that would remove unnecessary financial restrictions on abortion providers.

May 27, 2022

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Sponsored HB 2629

Jennifer sponsored a bill that allows public funding to be used for abortions without restriction.

May 27, 2022

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Sponsored HB 2626

Jennifer sponsored a bill that bans funding to crisis pregnancy centers, and removes abortion-related restrictions from state-funded family planning providers.

May 27, 2022

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Voted No on HB 1500

Jennifer voted against a bill that prohibits abortions because of the prenatal diagnosis of down syndrome.

Jun 8, 2021

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Voted No on HB 118

Jennifer voted against a bill that would require health care facilities to cremate or bury abortion remains, placing unnecessary burden and expense on providers.

Jun 5, 2021

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Voted No on HB 1890

Jennifer voted against a bill that would require health care facilities to cremate or bury abortion remains, placing unnecessary burden and expense on providers.

Nov 18, 2019

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Voted No on HB 321

Jennifer voted against a bill that prohibits abortions because of the prenatal diagnosis of down syndrome.

May 14, 2019

Review Bill

EMILY’s List recruits, trains and supports Democratic pro-choice women. They've endorsed this candidate in the 2022 General Assembly election.