Let’s meet

Emily Kinkead

State Representative,
Pennsylvania House District 20


The proof:

Emily sponsored a bill to codify Roe v. Wade’s protections into Pennsylvania law.

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2024 Election

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For House District 20

Because this would be a disaster:


Matt Kruth

Life PAC Southwestern Pennsylvania endorsed this candidate for the 2024 primary election.

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The latest from Emily

Sponsored HB 2465

Emily sponsored a bill requiring certain hospitals to provide abortions as an emergency stabilizing treatment.

Jun 28, 2024

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2463

Emily sponsored a bill requiring private medical consultation and informed consent prior to performance of an abortion, except in a medical emergency.

Jun 28, 2024

Review Bill

VoteProChoice endorsed this candidate for the 2024 election.

May 28, 2024

See Endorsement List

“I support everyones right to reproductive health care, including those who may need assisted reproductive medical treatments to start and grow families here in Pennsylvania. #NIAW2024 #LeaveYourMark”

Apr 27, 2024

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Sponsored HB 2219

Emily sponsored a bill repealing the prohibition of abortion coverage in qualified health plans offered through the health insurance exchange.

Apr 16, 2024

Review Bill

This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood for the 2024 election.

Mar 15, 2024

See Endorsement List

“Yesterday's ruling overturning a wrong-headed 1985 opinion from SCOPA and finding that laws regulating just abortion are a form of sex discrimination is incredibly exciting! But there's more work to do”

Jan 30, 2024

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“Abortion is LEGAL in Pennsylvania and protected by the Constitution of this Commonwealth. #AbortionIsHealthcare”

Jan 29, 2024

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“#OTD in 1973, #SCOTUS issued its landmark 7–2 decision in #RoevWade, protecting our constitutional right to choose. In 2022, the Court rolled back those protections in #Dobbs, but abortion remains safe and legal in PA. I will never stop fighting for our reproductive justice.”

Jan 22, 2024

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“I proudly voted yes on HB 1786 – a bill to protect out-of-state patients seeking reproductive health care in PA. It's the first time #PaLeg voted to PROTECT access to reproductive care in 10+ years. Abortion remains safe and legal in PA. I'll always fight to keep it that way.”

Nov 16, 2023

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Sponsored HB 1194

Emily sponsored a bill that repeals limitations on government properties and public funds from being used for abortion services or abortion-related legal services.

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 1195

Emily sponsored a bill that repeals restrictions on public funds from being used by state or local agencies for the performance of abortion.

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 1193

Emily sponsored a bill that appropriates $10 million for family planning providers to maximize access to family planning services.

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 1192

Emily sponsored a bill that repeals family planning funding limitations.

May 18, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 1118

Emily sponsored a bill that defines crisis pregnancy centers and prevents state funding of them.

May 5, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 802

Emily sponsored a bill protecting the licenses of professional nurses who provide reproductive health services to non-residents.

Apr 4, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 800

Emily sponsored a bill protecting patients from disclosure of reproductive health information by certain covered entities.

Apr 4, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 810

Emily sponsored a bill that repeals spousal notification requirements for abortion.

Apr 4, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 428

Emily sponsored a bill that repeals the Abortion Control Act and establishes the Bodily Autonomy Act, which safeguards abortion access for patients and providers.

Mar 15, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 232

Emily sponsored a bill that prohibits any state or local agency from cooperating with out-of-state abortion-related investigations for activities legal in the state.

Mar 10, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2915

Emily sponsored a bill that would protect against out-of-state civil and criminal actions for reproductive health services.

Nov 2, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2847

Emily sponsored a bill that would expand the types of healthcare professionals allowed to provide abortions.

Oct 17, 2022

Review Bill

Planned Parenthood has endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Oct 6, 2022

See Endorsement List

Sponsored HB 2867

Emily sponsored a bill that would remove unnecessary and irrelevant medical tests prior to an abortion.

Oct 4, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2848

Emily sponsored a bill that would require insurance companies to fully cover abortion services.

Sep 26, 2022

Review Bill

“Our WHC House members did an amazing job laying out what we are fighting for. ✅ Protect our abortion providers ✅ Invest in reproductive health care ✅ Remove unnecessary barriers to abortion Great job @RepFiedler, @RepKinkead, @RepDanielle, @RepBenham & @RepHanbidge!!”

Sep 19, 2022

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Sponsored HB 2817

Emily sponsored a bill that proposes an amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution, describing a fundamental right to personal reproductive liberty.

Sep 14, 2022

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#VoteProChoice has endorsed this candidate for the 2022 election.

Sep 4, 2022

See Endorsement List

Sponsored HB 2766

Emily sponsored a bill that would protect patients by prohibiting any state or local agencies from cooperating with out-of-state abortion-related investigations.

Aug 11, 2022

Review Bill

Voted No on SB 106

Emily voted against a bill that proposes to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to exclude any rights relating to abortion.

Jul 8, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2629

Emily sponsored a bill that allows public funding to be used for abortions without restriction.

May 27, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2628

Emily sponsored a bill that would remove unnecessary financial restrictions on abortion providers.

May 27, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2627

Emily sponsored a bill that allocates money to family planning providers, including entities that provide abortions, but specifically excludes crisis pregnancy centers.

May 27, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2626

Emily sponsored a bill that bans funding to crisis pregnancy centers, and removes abortion-related restrictions from state-funded family planning providers.

May 27, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 2574

Emily sponsored a bill that would prohibit anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centers” from sharing their clients’ nonpublic personal health information without written consent.

May 4, 2022

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 1500

Emily voted against a bill that prohibits abortions because of the prenatal diagnosis of down syndrome.

Jun 8, 2021

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 118

Emily voted against a bill that would require health care facilities to cremate or bury abortion remains, placing unnecessary burden and expense on providers.

Jun 5, 2021

Review Bill

Sponsored HB 733

Emily sponsored a bill to codify Roe v. Wade’s protections into Pennsylvania law.

Mar 3, 2021

Review Bill

EMILY’s List recruits, trains and supports Democratic pro-choice women. They've endorsed this candidate in the 2022 General Assembly election.