Let’s meet

Dean Browning

Former Candidate for State Senator,
Pennsylvania Senate District 14


The proof:

“Human life begins at conception, and we must defend life, not destroy it. Not only should we NEVER accept abortion, we need to make it unthinkable.”

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Dive deeper:

The latest from Dean

Supports "Prohibiting abortion except when necessary to save the mother's life" according to Freedom Voter Guide.

Jul 8, 2024

View Voter Guide

Opposes "Allowing taxpayer dollars to fund organizations that provide abortion" according to Freedom Voter Guide.

Jul 8, 2024

View Voter Guide

Endorsed by the PA Pro-Life Federation PAC, an anti-abortion group.

Oct 14, 2022

See Endorsement List

Show More Statements

“Dean will work for legislation prohibiting abortion unless the mother’s life is in danger.”

Jul 15, 2022

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“Human life begins at conception, and we must defend life, not destroy it. Not only should we NEVER accept abortion, we need to make it unthinkable.”

Jul 15, 2022

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Answered "Yes" to "Should our state constitution be amended to prevent taxpayer funding for elective abortions?"