Let’s meet

Amanda Cappelletti

State Senator,
Pennsylvania Senate District 17


The proof:

Amanda sponsored a bill that would prohibit anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centers” from sharing their clients’ nonpublic personal health information without written consent.

Review Bill

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For Senate District 17

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Greg Harris

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The latest from Amanda

VoteProChoice endorsed this candidate for the 2024 election.

May 28, 2024

See Endorsement List

This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood for the 2024 election.

Mar 15, 2024

See Endorsement List

“Today, @SenJudySchwank and I circulated a co-sponsorship memo announcing our intent to introduce an Abortion Protections Legislative Package. This package will protect patients and providers - we need to pass it with urgency.”

Jul 18, 2023

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“This is also a public health anomaly- what other medical condition allows for hundreds of centers to exist that intentionally spread disinformation? As long as we fund anti-abortion centers, I will vote no on the budget. Pennsylvanians deserve better.”

Jun 30, 2023

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“In PA, abortion is still safe and legal, but the fight for our right to reproductive care is far from over. I’ll fight for access to abortion and reproductive health care today, tomorrow, and every day after that.”

Jun 25, 2023

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“Abortion is still safe and legal in PA, but that doesn't mean it is as protected or accessible as it needs to be. I'm committed to fighting for our right to reproductive healthcare.”

Jun 23, 2023

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“This is good news for people seeking reproductive care across the country. I’m sad we’re here, but I’ll take this win.”

Apr 21, 2023

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“Abortion remains safe and legal here in PA. However, these attacks on our reproductive healthcare will have detrimental impacts across our country. It's time to stop playing games with our healthcare.”

Apr 19, 2023

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“This weekend's ruling will have a detrimental impact on reproductive healthcare across the country. While medication abortion remains safe and legal in PA, these attacks will never cease. Read @PAWomensHealth's statement below ⬇️”

Apr 10, 2023

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“Since Day One in office, I've been fighting to take Anti-Abortion Centers (aka CPCs) out of PA's budget. I am continually met with resistance. By funding CPCs with public money, we are sending a clear message that PA doesn't care about reproductive health. We must #CutOffCPCs.”

Mar 15, 2023

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“Today, I was honored to present a $250,000 state grant to [Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania], which will help fund sexual and reproductive healthcare services, such as STI screenings and cancer screenings.”

Feb 6, 2023

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Sponsored SB 237

Amanda sponsored a bill prohibiting non-profits and their subcontracts from giving false or misleading information, including in advertising, and holding them to the same family planning standards as a health care facility.

Jan 31, 2023

Review Bill

“This amendment [to SB1] could be used to change the regulatory conditions that allow providers to provide abortion care. I am opposed”

Jan 11, 2023

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“Unsurprisingly, I'm being silenced when talking about the implications for abortion access in Pennsylvania should this amendment pass.”

Jan 11, 2023

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"Access to reproductive healthcare impacts every aspect of your life" @SenCappelletti #SenDemPolicy

Jul 26, 2022

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Voted No on SB 106

Amanda voted against a bill that proposes to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to exclude any rights relating to abortion.

Jul 8, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored SB 1259

Amanda sponsored a bill that would prohibit anti-abortion “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” from false advertising regarding services offered and hold them to the same standards as a medical facility.

Jun 14, 2022

Review Bill

Voted No on SB 956

Amanda voted against a bill that proposes to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to exclude any rights relating to abortion.

Jun 6, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored SB 1217

Amanda sponsored a bill that would prohibit anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centers” from sharing their clients’ nonpublic personal health information without written consent.

Jun 1, 2022

Review Bill

“I won't stop fighting for our freedom, because without access to abortion, birthing people are NOT free in the U.S.”

May 5, 2022

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“The Pennsylvania Women’s Health Caucus remains steadfast in its support of the right to choose. Our members remain united and ready to fight on behalf of reproductive health rights.”

May 3, 2022

See Full Statement