Let’s meet

Alison Duncan

Former Candidate for State Rep,
Pennsylvania House District 28


The proof:

Planned Parenthood has endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

See Endorsement List

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The latest from Alison

“As your elected representative, I would never try to make those decisions for you – and that’s why I have been endorsed by Planned Parenthood in this race.”

Oct 6, 2022

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Planned Parenthood has endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Oct 6, 2022

See Endorsement List

I will work to safeguard your personal autonomy: the freedom to make your own reproductive decisions, choose who you can marry, and define “family.”

Oct 3, 2022

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“We aren’t truly free unless we can control our own bodies, lives, and futures. Please donate to my campaign today. Let's flip the House and help make sure Pennsylvanians continue to have the right to make our own reproductive decisions. #choice #choice2022”

Aug 1, 2022

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“I had a great time talking with folks at Pine Community Day on Saturday. The biggest topics were the importance of public education, reproductive freedom, and protecting voting rights and election results. Nice job, @PineDemocrats! #publicschools #votingrights #democracy”

Jul 18, 2022

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“REMINDER: Proposed amendments to the PA Constitution are decided on the ballot by voters. They CANNOT be vetoed by the governor. PA Republicans are trying to get around the governor's veto pen to ban all abortion options in our state.”

Jul 8, 2022

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