This legislator has made their anti-choice position clear. They intend to enact laws that would further limit access to abortion.
Call your legislator to share how important abortion rights are to you. While you're on the phone, try to gain a deeper understanding of their exact position.
“I am personally pro-life. I would not support an abortion ban in Kansas because I believe voters want policy exceptions for instances of rape, incest and the life/health of the mother. I also respect the voters who clearly rejected an abortion ban when they voted on the constitutional amendment in 2022.”
Oct 15, 2024
Mike Argabright's opponent claims that "Argabright has shifted his position on the sanctity of life. Initially, he claimed to be pro-life, with exceptions that include not getting between a mother and her doctor’s decision and a “no” on the Value Them Both effort. To those of us in the pro-life movement, that is pro-abortion. His newest mailer now claims he is 100% pro-life. True commitment to protecting the unborn is non-negotiable, and Argabright's wobbly stance is deeply concerning. With his first statement recorded just three weeks ago, it is likely his true personal position. A flip flop to try and gain votes to get elected."
Aug 3, 2024