Let’s meet

Ethan Corson

State Senator,
Kansas Senate District 7


The proof:

Ethan voted against a bill that provides legal protection to infants that survive an abortion.

Review Bill

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What to do now:

Thank Ethan for his support:

This legislator has consistently shown that they will protect abortion rights.

What to say:

Thank them for their consistency. Your support will encourage them to continue to vote this way, and may give them the confidence to become a stronger advocate of pro-choice legislation.

  • Introduce yourself, including your relation to the district.
  • Explain to them why abortion rights and access are important to you. (Personal stories work well here)
  • Thank them for their efforts, and encourage them to continue the fight.

2024 Election

Choose your favorite

For Senate District 7

Because his opponent is also great:


Dave Dannov

“He will be a moderate voice for Northeast Johnson County in Topeka … ensuring that the personal choices of women and all others are respected.”

Learn More

Get involved with Ethan's campaign:

Note: The district lines are being redrawn for the 2024 election. Even if Ethan was your Senator in the past, he may not be on your ballot this November. Our Pro-Choice Action Guide lists your 2024 candidates.

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Dive deeper:

The latest from Ethan

Planned Parenthood endorsed this candidate in the 2024 General Election.

Sep 8, 2024

See Endorsement List

“One of the first votes I took as your senator was in opposition to the constitutional amendment that our state ultimately rejected in August 2022. I remember sitting in the Senate chamber thinking, This is just the beginning. And while we came together to soundly, overwhelmingly reject this extreme government overreach as Kansans, the politicians who put it on the ballot havent gotten the message. They continue to advance laws that traumatize women seeking abortions, that undermine the physician-patient relationship, that insert politics into decisions that are best made by families and their support systems. Will you stand with me to continue the fight for bodily autonomy and self-determination in Kansas?”

Jun 24, 2024

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Voted No on HB 2749

Ethan voted against a bill that requires patients to provide a reason for getting an abortion from a pre-determined list and that information be reported to state government.

Apr 29, 2024

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 2465

Ethan voted against a bill that creates tax credits for donations to pregnancy crisis centers and provides sales tax exemptions for these facilities.

Apr 29, 2024

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 2436

Ethan voted against a bill that makes coercion to obtain an abortion a crime.

Apr 29, 2024

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 2264

Ethan voted against a bill that requires notification to patients that the effects of a medication abortion may be reversible. It also revises the definition of “abortion” to create exemptions.

Apr 27, 2023

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 2313

Ethan voted against a bill that provides legal protection to infants that survive an abortion.

Apr 26, 2023

Review Bill

Voted No on SB 297

Ethan voted against a bill that revises the definition of abortion to clarify which procedures are excluded, and establishes that life begins at conception.

Mar 29, 2023

Review Bill

Voted No on SB 5

Ethan voted against a bill that prohibits prescribing abortion medications via telemedicine.

Feb 23, 2023

Review Bill

Voted No on HCR 5003

Ethan voted against a bill that declares that the Kansas constitution does not guarantee reproductive freedom.

Jan 28, 2021

Review Bill

“Attended a forum on The State of Reproductive Rights in KS hosted by the @LWVJoCo and @ksmainstream. Women's reproductive rights are in jeopardy because the #ksleg is attempting to insert itself into women's healthcare decisions. I strongly oppose the constitutional amendment.”

Feb 1, 2020

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“Given the attacks on women's reproductive rights coming out of Topeka, Jenna and I were proud to participate in today's Women's March. We were at the 2017 March in DC and have been to a march every year since. A great annual reminder of how much work remains. #ksleg #TeamEthan”

Jan 18, 2020

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