Let’s meet

Paul Lott

Former Candidate for State Delegate,
Virginia House District 28


The proof:

“Abortion Trauma is real and deadly. Get the word out.”

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The latest from Paul

“Abortion Trauma is real and deadly. Get the word out.”

Dec 19, 2022

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“We don’t take away anyone’s healthcare. Abortion not healthcare because pregnancy is not a disease.”

Nov 28, 2022

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“It starts by teaching the value of human life. That starts with the unborn. Our young people grow up being taught to kill if it is not convenient. My heart to the victims.”

Nov 23, 2022

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“Abortion was never a right. Nothing was taken away.”

Jul 3, 2022

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“According to the CDC, 9 out of 10 abortion take place by the 12th week of pregnancy. Sky falling much?”

Jun 28, 2022

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“Stop being dishonest. They have the same rights they had last month because abortion was never a right and SCOTUS simply corrected a legal mistake.”

Jun 27, 2022

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“Imagine posting on Twitter that a nonexistent right was rolled back by SCOTUS when all that happened was abortion was returned to the states and doctors will condemn anything that costs them money.”

Jun 27, 2022

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“I know you don't know this but most rapes occur from a known perpetrator who uses abortion to hide their crime (NIH).”

Jun 27, 2022

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“Or… Don’t have sex until you can handle the consequences. That list is really stupid. Before abortion existed no one asked for someone to pay them to hang around home for 5 months. We have become a society of snowflakes. Our grandparent had NONE of that and still built families.”

Jun 26, 2022

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“Abortion is NOT healthcare.”

Jun 24, 2022

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