“The next issue is women’s rights. Earlier this year I was named a Reproductive Freedom Champion by ReproRising, a reproductive rights organization, for my A+ scorecard for fighting for reproductive rights.”
Jun 14, 2023
“Thank you @REPRORising_VA for your commitment to reproductive freedom and for fighting for safe access to abortion and reproductive healthcare. I’m proud to receive an A+ rating for my commitment to the right to choose and to be named a Reproductive Freedom Champion!”
May 9, 2023
“As Women’s History month comes to a close at the end of this week, I will spend this week highlighting the issues that I am fighting for in the State Assembly, and have been fighting for my entire career. The first issue is a woman’s right to choose.”
Mar 28, 2023
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“The photo above is from when I stood with pro-choice activists in 2012 at a candlelight vigil in front of the Governor’s mansion, protesting the GOP’s efforts to roll back women’s rights. I will always stand with women and continue fighting for a woman’s right to choose.”
Mar 28, 2023
Lionell voted to pass a constitutional amendment that would protect reproductive freedom in Virginia.
Feb 7, 2023
“Meeting with @PPAVirginia today to reaffirm my support and votes for reproductive freedom”
Jan 26, 2023
Lionell sponsored a constitutional amendment that would protect reproductive freedom in Virginia.
Jan 10, 2023
“I received a letter from the Virginia US Congressional Democratic Delegation to advance legislation to codify reproductive freedom at the state level. I do intend to make sure this happens and is voted out of the P & E Committee I chair.”
Nov 22, 2022
“I will continue to vote to protect women’s reproductive choice so this never happen in Virginia. When emergencies arise in pregnancy, some doctors now use precious minutes to call lawyers via @nbcnews”
Jul 14, 2022
“Attended the @PPAVirginia rally tonight in Norfolk. I made it clear that I will continue to be a solid vote to support a woman’s right to choose! I vote & I show up! #choice #bluewall #RoeOverturned #RoeVsWade @emilyslist @VASenateDems”
May 3, 2022
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“I will continue to be a brick wall for women and their right to make their own reproductive choices! #protectchoice #choicematters #SCOTUS #WomensRights #ElectionsHaveConsequences @VASenateDems”
May 3, 2022
“I am deeply concerned for women's reproductive rights. Stripping them of these rights & placing a bounty on them is serious. Elections have consequences, and we can't afford to move backwards! Who's rights are next? #reproductiverights #VoteBlue #CHOICE”
Sep 2, 2021
Lionell voted to pass a bill that removed the ban on abortion coverage for health insurance plans offered in Virginia through the health benefits exchange.
Feb 16, 2021
Lionell voted to pass a bill that removed the ban on abortion coverage for health insurance plans offered in Virginia through the health benefits exchange.
Jan 26, 2021
Lionell voted to pass a bill that rolls back certain abortion requirements, including a 24 hour waiting period, an ultrasound, and counseling. It also allows nurse practitioners and physician assistants to perform abortions.
Feb 27, 2020
Lionell sponsored a bill that rolls back certain abortion requirements, including a 24 hour waiting period, an ultrasound, and counseling. It also allows nurse practitioners and physician assistants to perform abortions.
Jan 7, 2020
“#hb464 passed Senate, making mandatory 4 women to have ultrasound 4 abortion, sad day 4 women in VA, sorry we didn't stop bullying of women”
Feb 28, 2012
“This week I stood in the snow, and in the sun, to offer support to women and their reproductive rights in Virginia”
Feb 23, 2012