“I love how President Trump is calling out former Virginia Governor Northam for his radical position on abortion, which is a baby can be born and the doctor can kill it. This is not abortion, it is 1st degree murder! Democrats want to run away from abortion when this comes up.”
Jul 24, 2024
“Why are the @vademocrats okay with? Even Democrats who are pro-choice are not okay with this. Your party is going to eventually going to lose badly on this issue.”
Jun 5, 2024
“Absolutely! Even my pro-choice Democrat teacher colleagues think that abortion on demand is absolutely extreme. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that these extremists are okay with a baby being born and the doctor being able to kill the baby.”
Aug 9, 2023
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“The Democrats are going to campaign on abortion hard this fall. What Democrats, including my opponent, are hiding is they are perfectly okay with the baby being born and the doctor killing the baby. That is is not abortion, it is 1st degree murder.”
Aug 9, 2023
“They want the baby to be born and the doctor to be able to kill the baby. That is even abortion anymore, that is 1st degree murder.”
Mar 30, 2023
“Don, stop with your lies and gaslighting! He never said that he would ban abortion. He said that he would not allow abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy.”
Jan 11, 2023