Let’s meet

Joshua Cole

State Delegate,
Virginia House District 65


The proof:

Joshua voted to pass a bill that requires health insurance companies to cover prescription and over-the counter contraceptives.

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What to do now:

Thank Joshua for his support:

This legislator has consistently shown that they will protect abortion rights.

How to reach him:

Capitol Office
804 698 1065

What to say:

Thank them for their consistency. Your support will encourage them to continue to vote this way, and may give them the confidence to become a stronger advocate of pro-choice legislation.

  • Introduce yourself, including your relation to the district.
  • Explain to them why abortion rights and access are important to you. (Personal stories work well here)
  • Thank them for their efforts, and encourage them to continue the fight.

Dive deeper:

The latest from Joshua

“Today is a solemn reminder of the day SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, endangering reproductive rights across our nation. We must stand firm in protecting bodily autonomy & ensuring access to safe & legal abortion for all individuals. The fight for reproductive justice continues!”

Jun 24, 2024

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Voted No on HB 819

Joshua voted against a bill that requires health insurance companies to cover prescription and over-the counter contraceptives.

Apr 17, 2024

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Voted Yes on SB 15

Joshua voted to pass a bill preventing the extradition of individuals from Virginia to another state for performing an abortion in Virginia.

Feb 27, 2024

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Voted Yes on SB 238

Joshua voted to pass a bill that requires health insurance companies to cover prescription and over-the counter contraceptives.

Feb 23, 2024

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Voted Yes on SB 16

Joshua voted to pass a bill that prohibits the collection of menstrual health data.

Feb 21, 2024

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Voted Yes on HB 519

Joshua voted to pass a bill that prevents disciplinary action from being taken against a doctor who provided legal abortion care in the state of Virginia.

Feb 13, 2024

Review Bill

Voted Yes on HB 1539

Joshua voted to pass a bill preventing the extradition of individuals from Virginia to another state for performing an abortion in Virginia.

Feb 13, 2024

Review Bill

Voted No on HB 404

Joshua voted against a bill that restricts public funding for abortion services.

Feb 12, 2024

Review Bill

My opponent dismisses the fundamental issue of abortion, saying "Everybody is not concerned or worried about women's rights." Extreme bans affect everyone, not just women. And it does matter to Virginians.

Sep 14, 2023

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“The numbers are clear. Americans want the access to abortion protected. Virginia is on the line this year - don’t sit this one out!”

Aug 17, 2023

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#VoteProChoice has endorsed this candidate for the 2023 election.

Aug 17, 2023

See Endorsement List

Show More Statements

“Abortion rights are on the ballot in every district in Virginia! Even my own opponent is backed by extremists that want to insert the government between a woman and her doctor. The stakes are so high this year - y’all VOTE!!”

Aug 11, 2023

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Planned Parenthood has endorsed this candidate for the 2023 General Assembly Election.

Jul 28, 2023

See Endorsement List

Roe Your Vote Virginia has endorsed this candidate for the 2023 General Assembly Election.

Jul 25, 2023

See Endorsement List

“Last year, after the Dobbs decision was released, tens of millions of Americans lost the fundamental right to make decisions about their bodies and lives. Thanks to Democrats, abortion WAS, IS, and WILL remain legal in Virginia.”

Jun 24, 2023

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“82% of Virginia voters disagree with lawmakers who want to punish people who seek abortion services with harsh penalties. In 2023, we MUST take back the majority in Virginia’s House!!!”

Dec 30, 2022

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“As a Pro-Choice Pastor - I am entrusted to shepherd my community. As a Pro-Choice Pastor - I took an oath to protect and I’ll fight to do just that. As a Pro-Choice Pastor - I know where I stand and I won’t back down.”

Jun 24, 2022

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