Let’s meet

Roland Gutierrez

State Senator,
Texas Senate District 19


The proof:

Roland sponsored a bill that creates additional exceptions to the state abortion ban.

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The latest from Roland

“Republicans don't want to answer questions on their anti-women, forced-birth stance. This one isn't even just weird, it's pathetic.”

Aug 30, 2024

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“Women across the country are losing access to vital healthcare because Trump killed Roe. If Trump wins, he will create a nationwide ban on abortion. We must do everything to elect @KamalaHarris.”

Jul 29, 2024

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“Texas is the second-worse state for women because of extreme Republican abortion bans. We have to fight back against the GOP assault on womens healthcare this November.”

Jul 19, 2024

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“Two years ago, SCOTUS decimated womens constitutional right to reproductive healthcare. Now, Texas is home to the most extreme and dangerous abortion bans in America putting women and children in tremendous peril. Congress must restore the protections of Roe.”

Jun 24, 2024

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“Im glad that SCOTUS ruled against this phony attack on womens access to reproductive care. But the assault on womens healthcare will not stop here. MAGA Republicans are hellbent on destroying access to abortion pills and IVF. We must keep fighting.”

Jun 13, 2024

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“Under Greg Abbott, women have lost reproductive rights, children are losing their lives, and we are losing our rights.”

Jun 6, 2024

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“As Texas women are facing incredibly difficult decisions due to Republican reproductive healthcare bans, the GOP is calling for the death of women who get abortions. We must stop them NOW.”

May 30, 2024

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“As Texas women are facing incredibly difficult decisions due to Republican reproductive healthcare bans, the GOP is calling for the death of women who get abortions. We must stop them NOW. Join me in the fight against MAGA extremism in Texas:”

May 30, 2024

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“Today SCOTUS is hearing oral arguments on Idahos abortion ban, which will affect women in dozens of states, especially Texas. All women must have the right to emergency medical care, including abortion. Period. This is between a woman and her doctor, NOT the government.”

Apr 24, 2024

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“Today SCOTUS is hearing oral arguments on Idahos abortion ban, which will affect women in dozens of states, especially Texas. All women must have the right to emergency medical care, including abortion. Period. This is between a woman and her doctor, NOT the government.”

Apr 24, 2024

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“In our broken system, lawmakers are banning abortion and Arizona judges are resurrecting draconian laws that imprison women who get an abortion. We must fight back.”

Apr 10, 2024

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“Texas is failing us on womens reproductive rights because MAGA extremists are holding our state hostage. We can fix it, but were going to have to fight for it.”

Apr 1, 2024

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“Republicans came after abortion. Now, they are objecting to protecting IVF treatments. When I defeat Ted Cruz, not only will I protect reproductive rights, I will abolish the filibuster if I have to to get it done.”

Feb 28, 2024

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“Texas Republicans have endangered women. We cannot let this continue. I refuse to let this continue. We have to defeat Ted Cruz, and codify abortion rights into law.”

Feb 26, 2024

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“My name is Roland Gutierrez. Come hell or high water, I’m going to defeat Ted Cruz, abolish the filibuster, and restore abortion rights for every woman in this country.”

Feb 24, 2024

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“Texas is broken, but next year, we have the opportunity to fix it. From banning assault weapons to codifying reproductive rights, we can build a better Texas for all. It’s why I’m running to defeat Ted Cruz.”

Feb 23, 2024

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“When I'm in the United States Senate, I can guarantee you that I will protect the right to IVF and reproductive rights at large, even if it means abolishing the filibuster.”

Feb 21, 2024

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“In the United States Senate, I will restore abortion rights, and if that requires abolishing the filibuster, that’s exactly what I’ll do.”

Feb 11, 2024

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“My goal this year is simple: Remove Ted Cruz from the United States Senate. From abortion rights to gun reform, we have too much work to wait.”

Feb 10, 2024

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“I’m so proud to earn the endorsement of the @TXProgresCaucus. From fighting the gun violence epidemic to protecting reproductive freedom, I’m running to fight for our shared values.”

Feb 3, 2024

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“My two daughters deserve to grow up in a country with reproductive freedom. And no one will fight harder for them than I will.”

Feb 3, 2024

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“From protecting abortion rights to fixing our broken immigration system, I’m running to defeat Ted Cruz and put all Texans first again. Are you with me?”

Feb 2, 2024

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“This election is about pain—the pain of gun violence, the pain of women’s reproductive rights being taken away, the pain of a broken immigration system.”

Jan 28, 2024

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“51 years since Roe, abortion rights are under attack by extremists like Ted Cruz. Texas Republicans have endangered women. We cannot let this continue. I refuse to let this continue. On Roe's anniversary, join me, let's defeat Ted Cruz, and codify abortion rights into law.”

Jan 22, 2024

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“Women in Texas are dying because Ted Cruz and his MAGA allies think that politicians should control women’s bodies and that unelected judges have better medical sense than doctors. Texas is broken, and when I’m in the Senate, I’m going to codify abortion rights and abolish the filibuster. We must fight for change.”

Jan 10, 2024

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“Women should not have to flee to have an abortion.”

Dec 28, 2023

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“Women in Texas should feel safe to have abortion procedures without fear of criminal prosecution. It’s time to codify abortion rights, and when I get to the Senate, I will abolish the filibuster to get it done.”

Dec 21, 2023

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“We can’t wait - we need abortion protections NOW! It’s time to break the filibuster and codify Roe. As your next U.S. Senator, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

Dec 20, 2023

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“I support a woman's right to an abortion, PERIOD. And I’m the Democrat that’s going to defeat Cruz and codify Roe.”

Dec 15, 2023

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“America, I want you to see what’s happening here in Texas. Republicans are using the courts to control healthcare access for women. Abortion is a right and when I’m the next U.S. Senator I’ll vote to abolish the filibuster and codify Roe.”

Dec 9, 2023

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“Ohio voters made history by codifying abortion rights into their state’s constitution. This momentum is just getting started. Get ready folks, Texas is next. We will elect leaders who will protect reproductive rights!”

Dec 3, 2023

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“I want to live in a state where women are not afraid to receive an abortion. Reproductive rights are on the line in 2024. Unlike Ted Cruz, I’ll vote to abolish the filibuster to codify abortion protections.”

Nov 6, 2023

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Voted No on SB 959

Roland voted against a bill that prevents charter schools from doing business with abortion providers, such as using their sexual education materials.

Apr 5, 2023

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Sponsored SB 227

Roland sponsored a bill that prevents the prosecution of pregnant individuals who receive an abortion, as the current law only prevents the prosecution of women. It also repeals pre-Roe laws banning abortion.

Nov 14, 2022

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Authored SB 122

Roland authored a bill that creates an exception to the current abortion ban if the pregnancy was the result of sexual assault.

Nov 14, 2022

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Sponsored SB 123

Roland sponsored a bill that creates additional exceptions to the state abortion ban.

Nov 14, 2022

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This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood in the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Oct 24, 2022

See Endorsement List

Voted No on SB 4

Roland voted against a bill that bans all medication abortions after 7 weeks. It would also prevent the mailing of medication abortion drugs and add medically unnecessary reporting requirements for providers.

Aug 11, 2021

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Voted No on HB 1280

Roland voted against a bill that creates harsh criminal penalties for providers who perform or aid abortions at all stages of pregnancy.

May 25, 2021

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Voted No on SB 8

Roland voted against a bill that bans all abortions after 6 weeks, and authorizes citizens to enforce it. It includes exceptions only for medical emergencies.

May 13, 2021

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Voted No on SB 1439

Roland voted against a bill that would require an “opt-in” option for physicians, interns, or residents at an educational institute before participating in an elective abortion.

Apr 27, 2021

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Voted No on SB 1146

Roland voted against a bill that requires physicians to submit a monthly report on each abortion they perform outside a licensed facility.

Apr 26, 2021

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Voted No on SB 650

Roland voted against A bill that prohibits public funds from being used to help people procure an abortion.

Mar 31, 2021

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Voted No on SB 1647

Roland voted against A bill requiring perinatal palliative care for pregnant women whose preborn child received a diagnosis of life-threatening disability and bans third trimester abortions except when due to medical emergency.

Mar 30, 2021

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Voted No on SB 394

Roland voted against a bill that would create a state regulation standard for abortion drugs so the state can have a tracking mechanism for reporting safety impacts.

Mar 30, 2021

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Voted No on SB 802

Roland voted against A bill requiring physicians to confirm that a woman has received a pre-abortion resource access assistance offer prior to performing or inducing an abortion.

Mar 30, 2021

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Voted No on SB 1173

Roland voted against A bill that bans third trimester abortions, with exceptions, and abortions based on disability.

Mar 30, 2021

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Voted No on SB 9

Roland voted against a bill that creates harsh criminal penalties for providers who perform or aid abortions at all stages of pregnancy.

Mar 30, 2021

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