Let’s meet

Joseph L. Trahan

Candidate for State Senator,
Texas Senate District 15


The proof:

“Not a single one of the brave brave echo chamber applauders has ever once themselves stepped up to the abortion challenge themselves. Not one. They inflict this upon helpless human babies, but, won't simply abort themselves. Very telling…”

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The latest from Joseph

“Not a single one of the brave brave echo chamber applauders has ever once themselves stepped up to the abortion challenge themselves. Not one. They inflict this upon helpless human babies, but, won't simply abort themselves. Very telling…”

Aug 20, 2024

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“FACT CHECK: More children in the USA died of: 1) Infanticide white washed as women's health…abortion 2) The JAB Get it right.”

Jul 17, 2024

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“Killing babies is nothing new…history is FULL of Dictators killing babies Warlords, gangs, cults killing babies Wild savages, raiding marauders killing babies Every culture on every continent before their downfall ritualistically had infantcides and baby human sacrifice What is this sick sadistic fascination of killing babies? What kind of human being takes part in this? Why do you tolerate it in our culture today?”

Jun 23, 2024

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“In Israel, Hamas cut off the heads of babies…we were all horrified In the USA, we tear babies apart in their mothers uterus tearing out one piece at a time…each and every single day and people dance in the street celebrating it Read that again…”

Dec 6, 2023

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“Good Morning Texiens & Patriots Not baby haters using abortion as birth control; leave kids alone and fix yourselves”

Jul 6, 2023

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