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James Talarico

State Representative,
Texas House District 50


The proof:

James sponsored a House Joint Resolution proposing a constitutional amendment to protect the right to abortion.

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The latest from James

This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood Texas Votes in the 2024 General Election.

Mar 5, 2024

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This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood Texas Votes in the 2024 Primary.

Mar 1, 2024

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“This year, the world saw the worst from Texas. Extreme abortion bans Ken Paxtons acquittal Private school voucher scams And all of it can be traced back to two billionaires from West Texas”

Dec 16, 2023

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Sponsored HB 819

James sponsored a bill that prevents the prosecution of pregnant individuals (vs. women, under the current law) who receive an abortion. It also repeals pre-Roe laws banning abortion.

Nov 29, 2022

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“Red states—from Kansas to Kentucky—have voted to protect abortion access. Today, I filed a bill to put abortion on the ballot in Texas. Let the people decide.”

Nov 29, 2022

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Sponsored HJR 56

James sponsored a House Joint Resolution proposing a constitutional amendment to protect the right to abortion.

Nov 29, 2022

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“Every poll shows that Texans overwhelmingly oppose a total abortion ban. The lives of women and girls across our state are endangered by this extreme law. Under my bill, Texans would decide for themselves whether to reinstate Roe v. Wade.”

Nov 29, 2022

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“In August, the people of Kansas voted to legalize abortion. In November, the people of Kentucky voted to legalize abortion. Let’s make Texas next.”

Nov 29, 2022

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“In Texas, citizens can’t place a referendum on the ballot. But legislators can. My bill would create a referendum on abortion in November 2023. Help me pass HJR 56 and bring choice back to Texas.”

Nov 29, 2022

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Show More Statements

“For too long, pro-choice Christians have allowed anti-choice Christians to take over our faith and our country. On this Sunday before Election Day, we must speak up. Vote your values on Tuesday. Full sermon here:”

Nov 6, 2022

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“The city of Austin just decriminalized abortion. Our local leaders are refusing to comply with Greg Abbott’s attack on Texans. We need leaders at every level to use every tool in their toolbox to protect our freedom. #GRACEAct”

Jul 21, 2022

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“Respectfully, Mr. President, we already voted. We voted for you. You can take bold executive action *today* to protect abortion access. Our democracy is experiencing a hostile takeover by a radical minority. Meet the moment before it’s too late.”

Jun 24, 2022

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“Law professor @GreerDonley first floated the idea of providing abortion care on federal lands or in federal offices. The General Services Administration manages more than 800 federally owned or leased buildings in Texas alone.”

Jun 24, 2022

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“Ultimately, the only way to save American democracy is to abolish the undemocratic loopholes in our system—like the electoral college and the filibuster—and re-establish majority rule. But women need abortion care *now*.”

Jun 24, 2022

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“Republicans stole the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court stole our rights. We can’t just stand by and watch. I’m calling on @JoeBiden to use federal buildings to provide abortion care to women in red states.”

Jun 24, 2022

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“Lastly, take time to grieve. When I was little, my mom volunteered for the Texas Abortion Rights Action League. She taught me that women will never be free until they belong to themselves. I’m grieving for her and generations of feminists watching their progress unravel.”

May 3, 2022

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“56% of Texans are pro-choice. 59% of Americans are pro-choice. Let’s show the Supreme Court that they’ve awakened a sleeping giant.”

May 3, 2022

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“Texas is the key. Roe v Wade was won by a Texas lawyer. 50 years later Texas Republicans shocked the nation by virtually banning abortion. Flipping Texas is key to winning the presidency, changing the court, overcoming the filibuster, and protecting the rights of all Americans.”

May 3, 2022

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Voted No on SB 4

James voted against a bill that bans all medication abortions after 7 weeks. It would also prevent the mailing of medication abortion drugs and add medically unnecessary reporting requirements for providers.

Aug 31, 2021

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Voted No on HB 1280

James voted against a bill that creates harsh criminal penalties for providers who perform or aid abortions at all stages of pregnancy.

May 6, 2021

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Voted No on SB 8

James voted against a bill that bans all abortions after 6 weeks, and authorizes citizens to enforce it. It includes exceptions only for medical emergencies.

May 6, 2021

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