Let’s meet

Erin Zwiener

State Representative,
Texas House District 45


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Erin sponsored a bill that provides for abortion coverage under the state medical assistance program.

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2024 Election

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For House District 45

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Tennyson Moreno

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Since they’re a Republican, let’s assume they plan to follow party lines and vote anti-choice unless they say otherwise.

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The latest from Erin

“The Texas abortion bans are cruel.”

Aug 12, 2024

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“Two years ago today, a Supreme Court handpicked by Donald Trump threw out abortion rights and left abortion policy to gerrymandered state legislatures. Elections have consequences. We must fight to restore abortion rights every day, in our communities and at the ballot box.”

Jun 24, 2024

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“Today the Supreme Court blocked a cynical attempt by extremists to roll back access to medication abortion across the country. For over a year, our legal system has left individuals uncertain about their options regarding medication abortion, a highly safe and effective method.”

Jun 13, 2024

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“Abortion bans are cruel.”

May 21, 2024

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“This is weaponizing the legal system to further intimate partner abuse. These are the cruelties that occur under extreme abortion bans.”

May 10, 2024

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This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood Texas Votes in the 2024 General Election.

Mar 5, 2024

See Endorsement List

This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood Texas Votes in the 2024 Primary.

Mar 1, 2024

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“Today on what would’ve been the 51st anniversary of #RoeVWade, I’m thinking about all of the Texans in crisis as our state’s abortion ban has created devastating consequences for their health. Abortion bans are cruel. And I’ll never stop fighting to overturn them.”

Jan 22, 2024

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“I’m out blockwalking today, and a woman just told me the story of her own nonviable pregnancy over 30 years ago and how upset she is that women today can’t get the care she needed then. The abortion bans are cruel. I’ll never stop fighting to overturn them.”

Jan 5, 2024

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“This is why the government has zero business in anyone’s decision whether or not to have an abortion.”

Dec 11, 2023

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“This order claims that doctors are free to rely on their own judgment. However, they ignore that following that judgment may result in criminal charges. Doctors are still not going to feel confident treating patients who need abortion care.”

Dec 11, 2023

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“The trisomy diagnosis wasn’t around earlier in the pregnancy, but actually abortion is banned throughout pregnancy in Texas. The six week bounty bill went into effect first, but after Roe was overturned, abortion is banned throughout pregnancy in Texas.”

Dec 9, 2023

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“The top attorney in Texas, y’all, trying to threaten health care providers out of acting under a judge’s order. The order says one woman who has no hope of her pregnancy ending in a living baby AND is having health complications can have an abortion. The abortion ban is cruel.”

Dec 7, 2023

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“The State of Texas fought a woman with a terminal fetal diagnosis (I.e. a healthy baby is not possible) and health risks from obtaining abortion care. The abortion bans are cruel, nonsensically far-reaching, and endanger pregnant Texans.”

Dec 7, 2023

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“Wow. Grateful for the smart lawyering and the brave patient stepping forward to challenge the cruelty of Texas’s abortion bans. No Texan should be forced to carry a pregnancy that will never result in a living baby. That’s obvious to everyone but the Texas GOP. Stop the cruelty”

Dec 5, 2023

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“Remember when the Texas AG argued that these women didn’t have standing to sue over the abortion ban that damaged their fertility…because they were no longer fertile and therefore unlikely to need emergency abortion care again? I do. I will never forget that cruelty.”

Nov 29, 2023

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“The judge ruled that abortions, for a pregnancy that’s nonviable or poses a major risk, should be legal. That’s what Paxton is appealing. Whether a mom whose health is endangered by a pregnancy that will never result in a baby should be able to get an abortion. Heartless.”

Nov 28, 2023

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“In yet another case, Texas is suing to try and make sure people who need *emergency* abortion care can’t get it. The cruelty is out of this world.”

Nov 7, 2023

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“Wild that when abortion access is gone in Texas, people are also working to make it harder for teens to access birth control.”

Nov 6, 2023

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“Our terrible abortion policies are already harming recruitment at Texas universities, particularly for medical schools and residency programs.”

Oct 23, 2023

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I sobbed as I read this story. The 6-week abortion ban is so cruel. “Zero percent chance of viability, for either twin. But Texas’ new abortion laws, which make no exception for lethal fetal anomalies, required Miranda to carry this pregnancy through to the bitter end.”

Oct 11, 2023

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ENDORSEMENT ALERT: Wendy Davis is endorsing my reelection campaign! “We have a long fight ahead of us and we need a fierce champion like Erin Zwiener to continue to fight for reproductive rights. She has my full support and I look forward to continuing the fight with her."

Oct 5, 2023

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“I fight for Planned Parenthood. Our fight is the fight for bodily autonomy, including access to abortion, birth control, gender affirming healthcare, and more.”

Aug 15, 2023

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“Planned Parenthood health centers provide all people, regardless of income, access to high-quality sexual and reproductive health care and the resources they need. That’s why #ImForPP – join me by signing on here:”

Aug 15, 2023

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“It shouldn’t take a court of law to say this. Texans know that someone whose pregnancy puts their life at risk or someone’s carrying a nonviable pregnancy deserves access to abortion. The GOP’s refusal to include these commonsense exceptions in the law is cruel.”

Aug 4, 2023

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“I want to draw attention to this. The Texas AG’s office is arguing that this woman, whose fertility is diminished because of the cruel abortion bans, doesn’t have standing to challenge the bans…because she’s less likely to get pregnant now.”

Jul 19, 2023

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“Good. Between access to abortion being banned in Texas and the starving of resources for our rural health providers and sexual health providers, Texans need to be able to access contraception more easily.”

Jul 13, 2023

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This candidate was endorsed by Planned Parenthood in the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Oct 24, 2022

See Endorsement List

Voted No on SB 4

Erin voted against a bill that bans all medication abortions after 7 weeks. It would also prevent the mailing of medication abortion drugs and add medically unnecessary reporting requirements for providers.

Aug 31, 2021

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Voted No on SB 8

Erin voted against a bill that bans all abortions after 6 weeks, and authorizes citizens to enforce it. It includes exceptions only for medical emergencies.

May 6, 2021

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Voted No on HB 1280

Erin voted against a bill that creates harsh criminal penalties for providers who perform or aid abortions at all stages of pregnancy.

May 6, 2021

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Sponsored HB 1362

Erin sponsored a bill that provides for abortion coverage under the state medical assistance program.

Jan 26, 2021

Review Bill