Let’s meet

Denise Wilkerson

Candidate for State Representative,
Texas House District 94


The proof:

“Like Arizona, its dangerous for Texas woman to want to start a family because of extreme abortion bans. Pregnancy complications or miscarriage can mean death or serious health risks.”

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2024 Election

Support Denise

For House District 94

Because this would be a disaster:


Tony Tinderholt

Tony coauthored a bill that creates harsh criminal penalties for providers who perform or aid abortions at all stages of pregnancy.

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The latest from Denise

“Extreme abortion bans limit access to quality reproductive healthcare for all pregnant women. Vote like your life depends on it — because it does. #txlege #bansoffourbodies #Roevember”

Aug 15, 2024

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In 2023, out of our "state’s profound respect for the lives of mothers and unborn children", Medicaid coverage was extended for mothers whose pregnancies ended in the delivery of the child to 12 months post-partum. HB12 Anti-family, anti-baby Tinderholt voted NAY. #txlege #babies

Aug 7, 2024

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Ted Cruz has consistently attacked your right to birth control by calling medications like Plan B ‘abortion inducing,’” and celebrated a SCOTUS ruling undermining access to contraception. Repubs want control over what you do in your bedroom. #TexasOffense #contraceptiveFreedom

Jul 29, 2024

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When your co-worker talks about “save the children” or their ideas of “pro-life,” make sure to point out that Tony Tinderholt voted against saving women & children from sex traffickers by voting against anti-trafficking legislation more than six times. #txlege #receipts #profelon

Jul 29, 2024

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“Texas's punitive abortion policy makes it harder for women to give birth to healthy babies! We now have the fewest obstetric and maternity care providers nationwide. #txlege Texas is ranked 50th for women's health outcomes, a new study says”

Jul 19, 2024

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“We must pass laws to protect IVF. In 2021, 86,146 infants born were conceived through IVF. In 2018, over 69% of the 120,000 individuals of reproductive age diagnosed with cancer required fertility preservation procedures. #txlege #vote #reproductiverights”

Jun 12, 2024

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“Extremists made all abortion illegal and made performing one subject to life imprisonment. Now Texas women who miscarry cant get the medical care they need to survive. Abortion is healthcare isnt a saying, its a biological fact. Republican abortion bans torture women.”

Jun 5, 2024

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“Like Arizona, its dangerous for Texas woman to want to start a family because of extreme abortion bans. Pregnancy complications or miscarriage can mean death or serious health risks.”

Apr 10, 2024

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“The Texas #Abortion ban tortures women.”

Apr 8, 2024

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“The future of reproductive freedom in Texas heavily depends on the upcoming November election. Its critical if you support privacy, autonomy, and healthcare access to vote in state and national elections.”

Feb 25, 2024

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“The vast majority of Texans know that reproductive care is health care but extremists terminated Roe v Wade and are pushing punishment for women and doctors because they dont believe in privacy, but do believe in controlling women.”

Jan 22, 2024

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“51 years since Roe, womens reproductive rights are eliminated by extremists like Tony Tinderholt. Extreme policies endanger women. We cannot let this continue.”

Jan 22, 2024

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“This year, Democratic pro-choice women defeated Republicans at the ballot box in Virginia, deep-red Kentucky, and Ohio. Choice was on the ballot, and choice won.”

Dec 22, 2023

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