Let’s meet

Robin Vogt

Former State Rep,
New Hampshire House District Rockingham 21


The proof:

Robin voted to pass a bill that fully repeals the current 24 week abortion ban.

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The latest from Robin

“Mobilize, make calls, knock doors, and talk with your neighbors. We cannot afford @KellyAyotte as Governor. @JoyceCraigNH will fight for reproductive freedoms and ensure that true affordable housing breaks ground across the Granite State. #NHPolitics”

Oct 4, 2024

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“Please take a moment today to read @electamandanhs piece in the @Keene_Sentinel. If you wish to see change in the New Hampshire State House, it happens here in 2024. Elect candidates that stand for protecting abortion rights! #NHPolitics”

Feb 19, 2024

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Voted Yes on HB 271

Robin voted to pass a bill that fully repeals the current 24 week abortion ban.

Mar 23, 2023

Review Bill

Voted Yes on HB 224

Robin voted to pass a bill that repeals the criminal and financial penalties that could be imposed upon doctors from the current abortion ban.

Mar 23, 2023

Review Bill

“Up bright & early, ready to rock. Full slate of critical bills for us today Today is the day we fight for reproductive freedoms and SO much more! Tune in at 9:00 AM: #NHPolitics”

Mar 23, 2023

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“.@Jodiknewell21 is simply amazing, and her testimony in support of CACR2 is something you need to watch. This is a critical bill that protects reproductive rights here in the Granite State. Let me rephrase that; it is both CRITICAL and CRUCIAL. #NHPolitics”

Mar 21, 2023

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“Thank you @ReproFundNH @JosiePinto for your testimony today! Lets #TakeAction and email House Judiciary Committee tonight. Its crucial that we protect and expand reproductive rights here in the Granite State. #NHPolitics #HousePCNH”

Mar 7, 2023

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Show More Statements

“Let's all pitch in tomorrow for @PPNHAF and protect reproductive & sexual healthcare in our state. #GivingTuesday is more than an effort to protect a human right. It's a chance for us to support our neighbors, families and friends who need access to these services. #nhpolitics”

Dec 2, 2019

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“Contact your representative's in Washington, and let's protect the millions who deserve access to reproductive health care. The time to act is now! New Hampshire might be in a better position for the future, however, others across the country need the same support! #nhpolitics”

Oct 7, 2019

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