Let’s meet

Caleb Theodros

State Senator,
North Carolina Senate District 41


The proof:

“Weird to see folks who’re ‘pro-life’ not support: - maternity leave - more funds 4 adoption programs - increase access to contraceptives - universal pre-k ….you’re not pro-life; you’re anti-woman”

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What to do now:

Thank Caleb for his support:

This legislator has shown that they believe abortion rights are important, though they are also comfortable with the current limitations.

How to reach him:
What to say:

Thank them for acknowledging the importance of abortion rights, and push them to fight for expanding access to abortions.

  • Introduce yourself, including your relation to the district.
  • Explain to them why abortion rights and expanded access are important to you. (Personal stories work well here)
  • Ask them to commit to supporting any bills that will protect and expand abortion rights.