Let’s meet

Betsy Coffia

State Representative,
Michigan House District 103


The proof:

Betsy sponsored a resolution condemning the April 7, 2023 order by US District Court for Northern District of TX to cease use of mifepristone.

Review Bill

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What to do now:

Thank Betsy for their support:

This legislator has consistently shown that they will protect abortion rights.

What to say:

Thank them for their consistency. Your support will encourage them to continue to vote this way, and may give them the confidence to become a stronger advocate of pro-choice legislation.

  • Introduce yourself, including your relation to the district.
  • Explain to them why abortion rights and access are important to you. (Personal stories work well here)
  • Thank them for their efforts, and encourage them to continue the fight.

Dive deeper:

The latest from Betsy

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan endorsed this candidate in the 2024 Primary Election, calling them a "Sexual and Reproductive Health Champion".

Jul 22, 2024

See Endorsement List

“Thank you @PPact for your support and advocacy for reproductive freedom for my constituents in the 103rd District and for all Michiganders.”

Apr 21, 2024

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“I don’t debate my reproductive freedom with ppl who can’t be pregnant or need an abortion”

Feb 18, 2024

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“…women do not owe men a debate to defend our right to reproductive freedom. Period. I had this rule long before I met you- ever since I found my way out of a Right to Life church dominated childhood run by men who tried to control women.”

Feb 18, 2024

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A national abortion ban would wipe out our hard earned protections in Michigan. This is unfortunately still very much a “real topic” in Michigan and apparently so is banning hormonal birth control per your R colleague Rep Schriver who proposed it this week.

Feb 18, 2024

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EMILY's List, which coaches and supports pro-choice women to run for office at every level of government, has endorsed this candidate.

Jan 1, 2024

See Endorsement List

“That’s why I was proud to vote for the Reproductive Health Act. Our bodily autonomy and access to reproductive healthcare should not be bargained away by politicians.”

Nov 4, 2023

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“24 hour wait period is not at all reasonable. We don’t require it for other procedures and it disproportionately harms women girls and pregnant people who are poor and/or from rural communities where it’s already a major burden to travel many hours to get needed abortion care.”

Nov 4, 2023

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Voted Yes on SB 0474

Betsy voted to pass a bill that repeals a number of requirements for facilities providing abortions.

Nov 1, 2023

Review Bill

Voted Yes on HB 4951

Betsy voted to pass a bill that removes references to abortion-related offenses from criminal sentencing laws, after the Michigan Constitution was amended to protect the right to abortion.

Nov 1, 2023

Review Bill

Voted Yes on SB 0476

Betsy voted to pass a bill that updates the legal definition of abortion to recognize it as a medical treatment.

Nov 1, 2023

Review Bill

Voted Yes on HB 4949

Betsy voted to pass a bill that further protects Michigan’s new constitutional right to abortion. It also allows healthcare providers to consider broader factors when deciding if an abortion is necessary after fetal viability, and repeals a ban on private insurance coverage of abortion.

Nov 1, 2023

Review Bill

Voted Yes on SB 0147

Betsy voted to pass a bill that bans employers from discriminating against employees who are pregnant or have terminated a pregnancy.

May 3, 2023

Review Bill

Voted Yes on HR 0072

Betsy voted to pass a resolution condemning the April 7, 2023 order by US District Court for Northern District of TX to cease use of mifepristone.

Apr 13, 2023

Review Bill

Sponsored HR 0072

Betsy sponsored a resolution condemning the April 7, 2023 order by US District Court for Northern District of TX to cease use of mifepristone.

Apr 12, 2023

Review Bill

“Proud to have cosponsored this repeal. The voters spoke, Michigans 1931 abortion care ban needed to go. And gone.”

Apr 5, 2023

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“With tears in my eyes and a full heart, I just voted YES to repeal the draconian 1931 Abortion trigger ban, a law that criminalized provision of reproductive care and was still lingering on our books in Michigan. I take this vote holding in my heart every person every woman &”

Mar 2, 2023

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“Bigotry is bad for business.” Fav quote so far of SOTS from @GovWhitmer re: repealing 1931 abortion ban & expanding Elliot Larsen civil rights act to protect LGBTQ+ folks. Not only is it the right thing to do but it builds our economic draw. Proud to co sponsor.

Jan 25, 2023

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“If you don't think the right to choose is an economic issue, you don't have a uterus." - @BarackObama #DontBooVOTE #RoevemberIsHere #VoteNovember8th

Nov 6, 2022

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As the only PAC dedicated to putting phenomenal progressive women at the helm of local and state government, Fund Her has endorsed this candidate based on past and continued support for climate responsibility, reproductive freedom, women's equality, and social justice.

Nov 4, 2022

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MI List, an organization who works to elect pro-choice candidates to the Michigan legislature, endorsed this candidate in 2022.

Aug 1, 2022

See Endorsement List