Let’s meet

Victor Anderson

State Representative,
Georgia House District 10


The proof:

“I am a Constitutional Conservative, strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, pro-life and believe in limited government. I am a Christian and believe that our nation and laws are rooted in God’s Commandments.”

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Take Action

What to do now:

Tell Victor how important abortion rights are to you:

This legislator has made their anti-choice position clear. They intend to enact laws that would further limit access to abortion.

What to say:

Call your legislator to share how important abortion rights are to you. While you're on the phone, try to gain a deeper understanding of their exact position.

  • Introduce yourself, including your relation to the district.
  • Emphasize your role in the local community.
  • Explain why abortion rights are important to you.
  • Ask if they will commit to voting for any legislation that will protect the right to an abortion.
  • If they say no, ask which abortion restrictions they are pushing for.

Dive deeper:

The latest from Victor

“I believe that Life begins at conception and that, while we are instruments in the process, Life is created by God. I fully pledge to protect unborn life as I would a child or adult. I realize there are situations where the mother's life is in jeopardy and believe that abortion should ONLY be a last resort option after much medical, emotional & spiritual consideration.”

Apr 13, 2020

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“I am a Constitutional Conservative, strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, pro-life and believe in limited government. I am a Christian and believe that our nation and laws are rooted in God’s Commandments.”

Feb 19, 2020

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