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Valencia Seay

State Senator,
Georgia Senate District 34


The proof:

Valencia sponsored a resolution that proposes a constitutional amendment to create and protect the right to reproductive freedom in GA, including abortion without limit up until fetal viability.

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The latest from Valencia

Sponsored SB 565

Valencia sponsored a bill that ensures access to in vitro fertility treatment is not compromised by the definition or status of a human embryo created outside a human uterus.

Feb 27, 2024

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Sponsored SR 186

Valencia sponsored a resolution that commends the work of the Georgia Federation of Democratic Women and the fight for gender equality.

Feb 21, 2023

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Sponsored SR 136

Valencia sponsored a resolution that proposes a constitutional amendment to create and protect the right to reproductive freedom in GA, including abortion without limit up until fetal viability.

Feb 14, 2023

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Sponsored SB 15

Valencia sponsored a bill to remove “unborn child” from the definition of “Natural Person” in the Georgia code and replace it with “a human being from the moment of birth”.

Jan 24, 2023

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Voted No on SB 456

Valencia voted against a bill that requires physicians to prescribe abortion pill only after in-person visit; prohibits physician distribution of abortion pill in school facilities or on state property.

Mar 1, 2022

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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2022

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Voted No on HB 481

Valencia voted against a bill that bans all abortions after a fetal heartbeat (around 6 weeks). It includes exceptions for medical emergencies and rape or incest (but only up to 20 weeks and if a police report has been filed).

Mar 22, 2019

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Democratic Sen. Valencia Seay took issue with that line of reasoning, saying lawmakers were letting their “personal religious beliefs dictate everyone else’s ability to have a choice.”

Mar 22, 2019

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Sen. Valencia Seay (D-Riverdale) offered three amendments to the bill, which all failed. Two of them were aimed at removing language from the bill that would give personhood status and parental tax benefits once a heartbeat is detected. But after the vote concluded, Seay expressed frustration at her male colleagues for supporting the measure, especially because none of them had experienced pregnancy firsthand.

Mar 18, 2019

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No man can give birth," she said. "So, I just do not appreciate consistently hearing 'common sense' as if I don't have common sense… I've got enough sense to bring this amendment to try to fix it to no avail."

Mar 18, 2019

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“They can't silence us, abortion is the womans choice! Thank you, @RenittaShannon and @Cannonfor58 for being our voice in the Georgia House!!! #prochoice #theycantsilenceus #georgia”

Mar 11, 2019

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Voted No on SB 308

Valencia voted against a bill that redirects state funding to pro-life pregnancy support services.

Mar 24, 2016

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"Men do not control us ladies," said Sen. Valencia Seay, D-Riverdale. "We've been elected, just like they've been elected. We will not stand silently by. We are mad."

Mar 30, 2012

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Sen. Valencia Seay, D-Riverdale, spoke about the experience of one couple who she said learned close to the proposed deadline that their unborn son was not surrounded by protective amniotic fluid in the womb. He lacked kidneys, functioning lungs and was so constricted that his limbs and features became deformed, Valencia said. The couple got an abortion. "They didn't want their son's life being spent in an environment that was so cramped that his body grew deformed and he could not move around, only to suffocate upon birth," Seay said. "Their son was not going to live regardless of when he was born."

Mar 27, 2012

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