This legislator has made their anti-choice position clear. They intend to enact laws that would further limit access to abortion.
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Call your legislator to share how important abortion rights are to you. While you're on the phone, try to gain a deeper understanding of their exact position.
Frontline Policy Action, an organization that advocates for biblical values and supports candidates that would affirm those values in office, endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Assembly Election.
May 13, 2024
Todd sponsored a bill that, in part, prevents banks from denying services to a person for their failure or refusal to aid employees in obtaining abortions.
Feb 8, 2024
Frontline Policy Action, an organization that advocates for biblical values and supports candidates that would affirm those values in office, endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.
Nov 3, 2022
“@ReverendWarnock Philosophically, does that mean laws forbidding prostitution, heroin, cocaine, attempted suicide (yes theres a statute against that) and other laws curtailing a persons right to choose what they do with their body should struck down?”
Jun 24, 2022
“I’m happy to receive Georgia Life Alliance’s pro-life certification, and I look forward to working with members of the State House in their efforts to promote life in our state”
Apr 12, 2016