Let’s meet

Teri Anulewicz

State Representative,
Georgia House District 42


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Teri sponsored a bill that protects the right to obtain and use contraceptives.

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Sponsored HB 1424

Teri sponsored a bill that protects the right to obtain and use contraceptives.

Feb 27, 2024

Review Bill

“The GRA is delighted that abortion is illegal in Georgia. That was the root of their disdain for Ralston, after all. How, though, to maintain their momentum now that abortion can no longer be their marquee issue? Trans kids.”

Mar 15, 2023

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“First, its a job protection act for the groups on the far right that were created & funded by donors to make abortion illegal in Georgia. They accomplished that goal. So, whats next for them? How can they continue to justify their existence, and also, those donations?”

Mar 15, 2023

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“This is the thing to remember: if the GOP pro-life movement truly wanted to reduce the abortion rate they would support policies that address the economic reasons that are the overwhelming reason why women seek abortions. They want to control women. Thats their goal.”

Nov 12, 2022

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“Darlings is the underdog, to be clear but the fact that a pro-choice Democratic woman from the freaking North Shore is getting any traction at all in LA 1 is pretty incredible. (And anyone familiar with LA knows to never count out the underdog hash tag who dat )”

Oct 4, 2022

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“And again if this isnt a key issue, why take the federal action? Theyre trying to perpetuate the myth that abortion isnt a critical issue at the polls this Nov because theyve *seen* the polls and they *saw* Kansas. They know *exactly* where women are on this issue. #gapol”

Sep 13, 2022

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“The GOP introduced a federal abortion ban while theyre sending leaders like Nikki Haley down to GA to perpetuate the fantasy that its not an issue in Nov. This GOP ban attempt proves that repro health & choice is THE issue in Nov & I know that women will prove that at the polls”

Sep 13, 2022

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“The GOP knows that reproductive healthcare is *the* issue in November and its freaking them out. DO NOT let them gaslight you. #gapol”

Aug 30, 2022

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“@CatholicNewsSvc Furthermore, these very very very rare examples in your article are precisely why there are lawmakers today who absolutely believe these treatments are the norm, and thus their abortion bans do not need to make exceptions for ectopic pregnancies.”

Jul 22, 2022

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“People who think women just randomly get an abortion when they are 9 months pregnant are people who are blessed to have apparently never known anyone whose pregnancy turned tragic.”

Jul 13, 2022

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“.@MaggiVanDorn, all of this piece : You dont need to have had an abortion or to be living in poverty unable to support another pregnancy to know the crippling fear that the state will govern what you can and cannot do to your body. You just need to have been born a woman.”

Jun 25, 2022

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“GA needs to prepare for post-Roe by making plans to address the economic realities that lead so many women most are already mothers to seek abortion. We have not done that. Adoption reform doesnt do that, nor does expanding post-partum Medicaid coverage. #gapol”

Jun 24, 2022

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“Key point: *Right now*, Abortion is still legal in GA while HB 481 proceeds through the appellate courts. We dont have a trigger bill like many other states. Thats the immediate-term. Long term, women in GA need to prepare for a post-Roe reality and so does GA. #gapol”

Jun 24, 2022

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“If this was something evangelical lawmakers even *remotely* cared about, they would have introduced legislation to help mothers and children alongside their abortion ban & heartbeat bills. They would insist on expanding Medicaid. Their beliefs are crystal clear.”

May 4, 2022

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“I am delighted to share that I am endorsed by @NARALGA! In Georgia, the daily battle for reproductive freedom is real and I am proud to be part of a group of fierce advocates for reproductive access and freedom in Georgia. #gapol”

Apr 27, 2022

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Vote Pro Choice endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2022

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Signed a brief addressed to the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold abortion rights. Stating: “The constitutional precepts which State Legislators must protect include the principle enunciated by this Court, as firmly encompassed by the right to privacy, that a woman has the right to decide to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy without undue governmental interference…. “As a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution, and one that strikes at the heart of ordered liberty and individual autonomy, a woman’s right to decide whether to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy should be insulated from the rhetoric and interests of groups whose sole purpose is to undermine Roe and eliminate the fundamental rights enunciated in that case….”

Oct 5, 2021

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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2020 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2020

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Voted No on HB 481

Teri voted against a bill that bans all abortions after a fetal heartbeat (around 6 weeks). It includes exceptions for medical emergencies and rape or incest (but only up to 20 weeks and if a police report has been filed).

Mar 29, 2019

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