Let’s meet

Shea Roberts

State Representative,
Georgia House District 52


The proof:

Shea sponsored a resolution that proposes a constitutional amendment to create and protect the right to reproductive freedom in GA, including abortion.

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2024 Election

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For House District 52

Because this would be a disaster:


Robert McNeily

“Promoting a culture of life from conception until natural death. This includes finding healthcare solutions so costs are not so high for patients and their families.”

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The latest from Shea

“#Werenotgoingback #HarrisWalz #abortionishealthcare Abortion has passed inflation as the top election issue for women under 30, survey finds”

Oct 12, 2024

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“It's time to channel our anger into electing @KamalaHarris and GA Democratic state legislators!! #werenotgoingback #voteblue #trustwomen Georgia Supreme Court reinstates state’s abortion ban during appeals process”

Oct 7, 2024

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I'm grateful for Judge McBurney and his well-researched and reasoned decision today. I'm angry that @GovKemp and @ChrisCarr_Ga are going to once again waste taxpayer dollars to appeal a decision that gives a majority of Georgians what they want - access to safe abortion care. Clearly our fight isn't over but the best way to win is to elect state leaders who won't relegate Georgia women to indentured servants or reduce them to "gestational sacs." Vote Democrat for freedom! #trustwomen #ruleoflaw

Sep 30, 2024

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“I was honored to spend the afternoon in Athens with @amplifyga, @urgega_org and @ifwhenhowuga as well as Mayor Girtz, Commissioners Link and Myers - talking about the fight for reproductive freedom in Georgia, how we can talk to people about abortion, what ways students and groups outside of metro Atlanta can participate in advocating for the #RFA, and grieving together the deaths of Amber Nicole Thurman and Candi Miller. All Georgians deserve an abundance of freedom, including the one to decide our futures and make our own decisions about our bodies without interference by the government. If you agree, sign the RFA Petition (link in my bio). #abortionishealthcare #trustblackwomen #trustwomen #werenotgoingback”

Sep 29, 2024

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“It was such an honor to stand with Vice President Harris yesterday as we held Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans accountable for the preventable deaths of Amber Nicole Thurman and Candi Miller. Georgia's extreme abortion ban has left doctors in the impossible position of deciding whether to risk jail or lose their livelihood if they administer timely, evidenced-based healthcare, like a D&C, before a woman's life is at risk. They don't have time to wait for lawyers and malpractice insurers to weigh in because deadly sepsis comes too quickly like it did for Amber. These same doctors warned my Republican colleagues before they passed the ban that women would die, but they didn't care. Now Amber and Candi have paid the ultimate price and the 4 children they left behind are now needlessly…”

Sep 21, 2024

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“Doctors told us these extreme abortion bans would kill women, and they were right. It's time to vote them out if you want to protect your loved ones and families.”

Sep 21, 2024

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“Honored to share the stage with VP Harris yesterday to speak up about the preventable deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller because of Trump and GA GOP state leaders' extreme abortion ban. 4 kids now forced to grow up without their mothers. #trustwomen”

Sep 21, 2024

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“Please tune in today at 3:30 pm as I will be speaking with Vice President Harris about how two women, Amber Thurman and Candi Miller, have died because of Trump and GA's extreme abortion ban. No pregnant person is safe in GA until we restore safe abortion access. VP Harris is the only one fighting for us - we must defeat Trump and Vance and elect candidates up and down the ballot who will support Georgia's women and families. Let's go! #abortionishealthcare”

Sep 20, 2024

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“These women should be here today,” said Democratic state Rep. Shea Roberts, who has shared the story of her abortion on the campaign trail. “This is personal for so many women here in Georgia, including me. If Georgia’s extreme ban had been in effect when I was pregnant 17 years ago, someone might be up here talking about me.”

Sep 20, 2024

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Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Sep 20, 2024

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“Women in excruciating and unnecessary pain because my Republican colleagues think they know better than doctors. Women dying and leaving their other young children motherless. This is not pro-life policy! It's barbaric!”

Sep 18, 2024

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“This is not hyperbole! Doctors testified before my Republican colleagues that this would happen. Women are dying because of GA's abortion ban.”

Sep 16, 2024

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“Pro life and pro family should include protecting the life of the mother. Amber Nicole's death was preventable and now her son is forced to grow up without his mother. These abortion bans are dangerous and cruel. No pregnancy is safe without access to abortion care. #AbortionIsHealthcare”

Sep 16, 2024

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“Ga is a Republican trifecta with a state constitution that doesn't allow for citizen-led ballot initiatives or referendums. Our only chance to restore reproductive freedom is by taking the state house.”

Aug 26, 2024

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“I had an abortion because my doctors said it was not worth risking my life for a fetus incompatible with life when I had small kids who needed me. Now my daughters don't have the same freedom to make that decision with their doctors. It's time to vote for our daughters' freedom!”

Aug 12, 2024

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“Abortion bans are dangerous, leaving some women infertile and risking their lives. We must elect Kamala Harris and break Republican trifectas in states like GA if we hope to restore reproductive freedom. #KamalaandStateDemsforFreedom”

Aug 12, 2024

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“When 70% of Georgians want abortion access but we can't even get a hearing on the Reproductive Freedom Act or the legislation I filed to allow for citizen-led ballot initiatives -- then voters aren't deciding!”

Aug 11, 2024

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Reproductive Freedom for All endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Jul 29, 2024

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“The overwhelming facts are that GA's abortion ban is dangerous and doctors are leaving because of it. That is a recipe for disaster!”

Jul 25, 2024

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This candidate is endorsed by Vote Pro Choice in the 2024 General Election.

Jul 15, 2024

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This candidate is endorsed by Georgia WIN List for the 2024 General Election.

Jul 15, 2024

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“Great summary! For those who thought Roe would never be overturned, I hope you learned your lesson. GA GOP members are telling us who they are every day and just how far they will go to take away reproductive freedom in GA. Vote accordingly. Please!”

Jun 26, 2024

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“Important data showing that abortion bans give abusers another tool to hurt women. People who support these bans don't support women. #AbortionIsHealthcare #noabortionbans”

Jun 4, 2024

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“Proud to be a part of this group of candidates and elected leaders. Reproductive freedom unites people across party lines and I believe it will make the difference in 2024.”

Apr 1, 2024

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“It's official! Yesterday morning, I qualified to run for reelection for State House District 52!! It was fun to qualify with my colleagues and many of our amazing new candidates, including Susie Greenberg and Laura Muvartian. It's time to win all the seats! #electwomen #votedemocrat2024 #gunsafetynow #abortionishealthcare”

Mar 5, 2024

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“Today marks the beginning of Women's History Month. So many amazing women paved the way for women like me to vote, own property, graduate college and law school, hold public office, and make my own reproductive choices. I hate that we've gone backwards. So now we just need to vote in November for candidates who we know will restore our rights to decide what's right for our bodies, families and future. #electwomen #womenshistorymonth #abortionishealthcare #ivfishealthcare”

Mar 1, 2024

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“2/4 The problem is GA's constitution doesn't allow for citizen-led ballot initiatives. But we think it should! Especially when we see polls every day that 60-80% of Georgians supports Medicaid expansion, reproductive freedom, common sense gun safety laws, and fair maps.”

Feb 15, 2024

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“GA's abortion ban harms mothers. Dr. Verma's patient is just one the countless women who've suffered because of politicians thinking they know better than doctors. Risking the lives of mothers doesn't promote family values - it endangers them. #abortionishealthcare #reprofreedom”

Feb 13, 2024

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“Abortion access dismantles obstacles to education and career opportunities. Let's advocate for a future where women can make their own health, career, and education decisions with autonomy. #abortionishealthcare #RoevsWade #georgia # reprorights #reproductiverights #equality”

Feb 12, 2024

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People of Faith say YES to reproductive health care! People of Faith say YES for health care for everybody regardless of religion, race, zip code! People of Faith say YES to better for our communities! People of Faith say YES to supporting the Reproductive Freedom Act- Rev. Allen

Feb 4, 2024

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“As I watched Allie's story unfold, my heart broke all over again because our stories were so similar -- except I had the choice 16 years ago to seek abortion care legally in GA. While I'm proud to be mentioned in this article as part of the sisterhood of female candidates and electeds across the country who are sharing our personal abortion stories in an effort to restore and protect reproductive freedom, we shouldn't have to! Abortion care is healthcare! It's time for politicians to get out of our health decisions and let the doctors do the job they were trained to do.”

Jan 28, 2024

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“For 5 decades, victims of rape, incest, & nonviable pregnancies had the right to abortion care. In Georgia, this is no longer a guarantee. Abortion is healthcare! Every Georgian deserves real access to healthcare. #trustwomen #ReproductiveRights #RoeVsWade #AbortionisHealthCare”

Jan 25, 2024

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“Abortion bans exacerbate maternal mortality & cause trauma for victims of rape & incest. GA GOP doesn't care. They just want control! GA Dems will restore freedom AND ensure EVERY Georgian can get the care they need. #ReproductiveFreedom #AbortionisHealthCare #TrustWomen”

Jan 25, 2024

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She (Rep. Roberts) described a moment in which she had to terminate a pregnancy due to Trisomy 18. It is a chromosomal disorder Roberts’s physicians classified as incompatible with life. “If this happened to my family in 2024, I, like many Georgia women who couldn’t afford the costs of seeking care in a state with reproductive freedom would have been forced to stay pregnant, forced to give birth against my own will and at great risk to my own life would have had to endure forced birth despite trained physicians recommending the contrary,” Roberts said. Georgia’s near total abortion ban interferes with a doctor’s care period full stop.”

Jan 23, 2024

Sponsored HR 836

Shea sponsored a resolution that proposes a constitutional amendment to create and protect the right to reproductive freedom in GA, including abortion.

Jan 23, 2024

Review Bill

“Monday is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade when the US Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973. Now extreme and out-of-touch GA Republicans have forced us backward and stripped us of our right to make our own healthcare decisions. Next week we are not going to be silent. There”

Jan 19, 2024

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“I'm so glad the judge ruled to allow her to have an abortion. Thinking of my own anguish when my husband and I received the news that our baby had Trisomy 18, I cannot imagine the stress of having to litigate my right to do what was best for my body and my family. These bans are”

Dec 7, 2023

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Justice O'Connor was an inspiration to so many when she became the first female Supreme Court Justice. She was an advocate of respecting Court precedent and despite her own personal feelings on abortion, she upheld Roe in Planned Parenthood v Casey stating: "These matters,

Dec 1, 2023

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“@Gomo8 We are trying to take the majority in the State House so we have a chance of repealing our extreme 6 week abortion ban. I filed the Reproductive Freedom Act this term but with GOP majority in both chambers, it's not going anywhere. GA's constitution doesn't provide for a citizen”

Nov 7, 2023

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“GA GOP & Gov Kemp claim they want to protect babies w/ their extreme abortion bans but their poor health policies are killing them. GA is 1 of 4 states that had the highest increase in infant mortality. Shameful. #ExpandMedicaidNow #gapol #VoteDemocract”

Nov 2, 2023

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“Anti-Reproductive Freedom extremists are trying to gaslight the public with language nuances. They are still bans & they are still dangerous! Vote for pro-repro freedom candidates! #abortionishealthcare #gapol Abortion Bans by Any Other Name Are Still Abortion Bans”

Oct 2, 2023

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“This is my fear for GA. Regressive policies that criminalize doctors for providing their patients with evidence-based care does not encourage doctors to stay in that state and it will result in higher maternal and infant mortality rates. Vote for pro-science and pro-choice”

Sep 30, 2023

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“Our friends at NARAL Pro-Choice Georgia have a new name: Reproductive Freedom for All Georgia! While GA Republicans chip away at our rights and anti-abortion extremists in DC threaten to ban abortion nationwide, its time to take action. Proud to fight back with @ReproforallGA!”

Sep 21, 2023

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“I'm so grateful for everyone who braved the heat and joined me at #NoBansBBQ tonight. Many others came and left before we took the pic. It's my honor to be in this fight w all of you for every Georgian's fundamental right to reproductive freedom & access to abortion care. I have”

Jul 16, 2023

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“Great webinar opportunity from The Standing Committee on Reproductive Health, Equity and Society of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. After Roe: Challenges in the Provision of Lifesaving Care. #AbortionIsHealthcare #gapol”

Jun 26, 2023

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“We told you the abortion ban was dangerous. Many medical students and residents are saying they won't stay in GA because they can't provide evidence based care without fear of going to prison or losing their livelihood. Half of Ga's 159 counties don't even have an OB-GYN and we have one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country. Our abortion ban is exacerbating a deadly problem for pregnant people in this state.”

May 16, 2023

“Thanks in part to a complaint filed by our friends at @nwlc, hospitals nationwide are now on notice that violating federal law by denying pregnant patients emergency abortion care comes with consequences!”

May 3, 2023

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“Great article explaining the conflicting rulings on medication abortion. Losing access to this safe and effective drug is dangerous and politically overriding the FDA is an alarming precedent to set.”

Apr 10, 2023

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“We always knew the anti-choice agenda didnt stop with ending Roe v. Wade. This is one of several lawsuits across the country meant to block people from accessing sexual and reproductive health care, including abortion care. But pro choice champs will never stop fighting! #gapol”

Apr 7, 2023

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Sponsored HB 795

Shea sponsored a proposed amendment to apply equal criminal liability to fathers in the cases of abortion, unless “immaculate conception” is medically proven.

Mar 20, 2023

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“Last week my House and Senate colleagues and I filed the Georgia Reproductive Freedom Act. Please sign the petition to show your support. Abortion care is healthcare and it's time Georgia law treats it as such! Every one of us deserves the freedom and resources to decide if, when and with whom we will start or expand our families.”

Jan 29, 2023

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Sponsored HB 75

Shea sponsored a bill to remove “unborn child” from the definition of “Natural Person” in the Georgia code and replace it with “a human being from the moment of birth”.

Jan 24, 2023

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“What we plan to do in the future is obviously to continue to get in their face every opportunity we have to let them know that Georgians who support absolute access to all health care, including abortion care, are not going away – that we expect our freedom, we deserve our freedom and that we are going to stay in front of them”

Jan 21, 2023

Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Election.

Aug 23, 2022

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It’s unthinkable that despite a trained physician recommending to the contrary, [someone] might be forced to stay pregnant at great risk,” Roberts added. “That is not pro-life.

May 9, 2022

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Vote Pro Choice endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2022

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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2022

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Signed a brief addressed to the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold abortion rights. Stating: “The constitutional precepts which State Legislators must protect include the principle enunciated by this Court, as firmly encompassed by the right to privacy, that a woman has the right to decide to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy without undue governmental interference…. “As a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution, and one that strikes at the heart of ordered liberty and individual autonomy, a woman’s right to decide whether to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy should be insulated from the rhetoric and interests of groups whose sole purpose is to undermine Roe and eliminate the fundamental rights enunciated in that case….”

Oct 5, 2021

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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2020 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2020

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“Today 93 House Reps voted to strip women’s right to make medical decisions with their doctors about their bodies and their families. HB481 was passed 93-73 and if approved by the Senate will result in Georgia having the strictest abortion laws in the nation. There are no exceptions for competing health complications for the mother or if the fetus is nonviable. Doctors will be required to release private medical records to law enforcement. While this law is unconstitutional pursuant to Roe v Wade, it will require tax payers to fund defense of the resultant litigation. This legislation is an assault to women, unconstitutional and fiscally irresponsible. Tonight was a dark day for women, but there was a light that shone through the strong women and the few male allies who spoke so…”

Mar 7, 2019

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