This legislator has made their anti-choice position clear. They intend to enact laws that would further limit access to abortion.
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Call your legislator to share how important abortion rights are to you. While you're on the phone, try to gain a deeper understanding of their exact position.
We are so grateful for their commitment to championing pro-family and pro-life policy! (Frontline Policy Action)
Jan 24, 2024
Frontline Policy Action, an organization that advocates for biblical values and supports candidates that would affirm those values in office, endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.
Nov 3, 2022
“As a state representative, I will support life from conception until natural death. We must step up to support working families, foster children and access to adoption. We need to ensure that women have access to the medical care they need, including access to contraceptives and OB-GYNs in every county. We need to make it easier for children to find loving homes. The subject of abortion can be incredibly divisive. We need leaders who will take the time to listen and bring people together on this sensitive subject. You can trust that I will take the time to listen every single constituent on this issue and foster healthy dialogue.”
Oct 10, 2022
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“For those of us in the disability community, we’ve heard all too often diagnoses of ‘incompatible for life’, only to then witness children live meaningful and vibrant lives. Late term abortion is nothing short of barbaric. Please join me in praying for our elected leaders. May God have mercy on us.”
Jan 24, 2019