Let’s meet

Randy Robertson

State Senator,
Georgia Senate District 29


The proof:

Randy voted to pass a bill that bans all abortions after a fetal heartbeat (around 6 weeks). It includes exceptions for medical emergencies and rape or incest (but only up to 20 weeks and if a police report has been filed).

Review Bill

Take Action

What to do now:

Tell Randy they do not represent you:

This legislator is dangerous. Their position on abortion is completely out of touch: advocating for some of the most extreme abortion bans being considered right now.

What to say:

Call your legislator and make it clear that they are going too far. Try to urge them to walk away from their most extreme positions.

  • Introduce yourself, including your relation to the district.
  • Emphasize your role in the local community.
  • Explain why you do not agree with their position. Personal stories that exemplify the problems these bans would create are helpful.
  • Ask if they will protect the right to an abortion in such cases.
  • If they say no, ask them how they plan to fund more public childcare and maternal healthcare.

Dive deeper:

The latest from Randy

Frontline Policy Action, an organization that advocates for biblical values and supports candidates that would affirm those values in office, endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Nov 3, 2022

See Endorsement List

Voted Yes on SB 456

Randy voted to pass a bill that requires physicians to prescribe abortion pill only after in-person visit; prohibits physician distribution of abortion pill in school facilities or on state property.

Mar 1, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored SR 456

Randy sponsored a bill recognizing the work of Rachel Guy, who is a pro-life advocate and founder of pro-life organizations.

Feb 8, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored SR 457

Randy sponsored a bill recognizing the work of Suzanne Guy, who is a pro-life advocate and founder of a pro-life organization.

Feb 8, 2022

Review Bill

Sponsored SB 456

Randy sponsored a bill that requires physicians to prescribe abortion pill only after in-person visit; prohibits physician distribution of abortion pill in school facilities or on state property.

Feb 3, 2022

Review Bill

Voted Yes on HB 481

Randy voted to pass a bill that bans all abortions after a fetal heartbeat (around 6 weeks). It includes exceptions for medical emergencies and rape or incest (but only up to 20 weeks and if a police report has been filed).

Mar 22, 2019

Review Bill

Sponsored SB 169

Randy sponsored a bill that requires the physician performing a chemical abortion to inform the patient that it is reversible, time is of the essence, and reversal information is on the state website.

Feb 22, 2019

Review Bill

“Last week, we were invited to a private screening of a new film set to premiere in March. UnPlanned is the true story of Abby Johnson, a young woman who went from working for the nation’s largest abortion provider to becoming an outspoken pro-life activist. The production team, as well as some of the film's stars, joined us for the screening. They were recently told the film would be rated R because of the ultrasound footage of a baby being murdered. UnPlanned was one of the most profound and moving experiences Theresa and I have experienced. Our hope and prayer is that millions will watch and hearts will be changed.”

Feb 22, 2019

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“On Tuesday, I joined many of my colleagues in the General Assembly and hundreds of Georgians to support the Right to Life movement in our State. Theresa and I have ardently supported organizations like Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic, Senaca, Young Lives, as well as pursued foster and adoption through DFCS. We believe that if we are to fight for the lives of the unborn, we must fight as hard for the brave women who choose life for their babies when it is far from the easy choice. Contact us for more information if you are interested in getting involved with any of the groups mentioned above.”

Jan 28, 2019

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“Pro-Life, Pro-Jobs, Pro-Second Amendment.”

May 10, 2018

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