This legislator is dangerous. Their position on abortion is completely out of touch: advocating for some of the most extreme abortion bans being considered right now.
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Call your legislator and make it clear that they are going too far. Try to urge them to walk away from their most extreme positions.
Mitchell sponsored a bill that expands, to the moment of conception, all legal rights and protections available to all persons.
Feb 27, 2023
Mitchell sponsored a bill that deems all abortions, from the moment of fertilization, to be homicides, except if performed to save the life of the mother. It removes current protections for cases of rape, incest, or medical emergency.
Feb 21, 2023
“Grateful to participate this morning with two of our victorious endorsed legislative candidates Mitchell Horner and Colton Moore at another prolife rally in northwest Georgia, encouraging the Governor & the legislators to provide Equal Protection for the preborn - as the GA GOP platform states! (Georgia Republican Assembly)”
Jul 9, 2022
The rally featured State Representative-elect Mitchell Horner of House District 3 (R-Ringgold) who likened the pro-life cause to the abolition of slavery. “On March 20th 1854, the Republican Party formed over the issue of abolition. Once again we must form a Republican Party around the notion of abolition – an abolition of killing children…It’s time for Republicans in the state house to have courage and act, said Horner.
Jul 9, 2022
“How can we have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness if we can’t have life. (Interview with Georgia Right to Life)”
May 19, 2022
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He believes the pro-life movement is “The abolition movement of our time.” Mitchell is staunchly 100% pro-life --- no exceptions, saying “Personhood involves everyone, from the moment of conception.” Vote pro-life -- vote for Mitchell Horner in Georgia HD-3 on May 24!
May 12, 2022
This candidate was endorsed by Georgia Right to Life in the 2022 general election: agreeing to oppose abortion even in cases of rape. incest, and fatal fetal anomaly.
Jan 3, 2022