Let’s meet

Michelle Au

State Representative,
Georgia House District 50


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Michelle voted against a bill that requires physicians to prescribe abortion pill only after in-person visit; prohibits physician distribution of abortion pill in school facilities or on state property.

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2024 Election

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For House District 50

Because this would be a disaster:


Narender Reddy

This candidate received a Pro - Life Certification from GA Life Alliance in 2022.

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The latest from Michelle

“GA’s 6 week abortion ban has been enforced since 3 Trump-appointed SCOTUS justices helped overturn Roe v. Wade. The next president could appoint up to 3 more.”

Oct 12, 2024

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“EMTALA, a federal law passed under the Reagan administration, requires ERs to treat patients if their health or life is at serious risk. This includes abortion care. SCOTUS just determined this law cannot be enforced in TX to protect pregnant patients.”

Oct 8, 2024

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“GA’s 6-week abortion ban creates a dangerous environment for patients and clinicians. On @PoliticallyGa yesterday, the sponsor of this ban indicated he’ll push this further in 2025, imposing even more restrictions on legal access to medication abortion. They tried this before.”

Oct 1, 2024

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“There is no more important medical, economic, or personal decision than when, or whether, or how to have a child. As the only pro-choice physician in the Georgia General Assembly, I’m proud to once again receive the endorsement of Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates.”

Sep 26, 2024

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“There is no more important medical, economic, or personal decision than when, or whether, or how to have a child. As the only pro-choice physician in the Georgia General Assembly, I’m proud to once again receive the endorsement of Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates.”

Sep 26, 2024

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Sister District endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Sep 25, 2024

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“A dramatic rise in pregnant women dying in Texas after abortion ban.” What we see here is that patient harms go well beyond what is written into such abortion bans. In states like TX and GA, the legal environment created by these bans lead to care delays, denials, and deaths.

Sep 24, 2024

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“Something has gone terribly wrong in America when people who define themselves as pro-life have sentenced a small boy to go to bed tonight, and every night, without his mother.”

Sep 22, 2024

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Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Sep 20, 2024

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“Some assessments are made in retrospect only, and when you’re putting people in a position of choosing between minimizing patient harm and having to abide by an unclear legal regime…you’re pushing them to forestall these decisions up until the limit.”

Sep 20, 2024

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“FACT: Following the overturn of Roe v. Wade, GA’s 6 week abortion ban was enforced. FACT: That law changed the legal environment around the provision of what can sometimes be life-saving care, resulting in care delays or denials. FACT: These delays led to Amber Thurman’s death.”

Sep 19, 2024

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“The lag time for case reviews from Georgia’s Maternal Mortality Review Committee is about two years. This means we are only now seeing the first of the deaths resulting from the enforcement of Georgia’s 6 week abortion ban, which commenced July 2022. There will be more.”

Sep 19, 2024

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Yes, I've seen the op-ed in the AJC written by the "pro-life" Ob-Gyn, and while I am loathe to amplify such arguments, I'd like to point out two things. 1.) Every group, including medical practitioners, has its extreme right fringe animated by non-scientific justifications and divorced from patient care standards. 2.) The actual issue at play here is that laws like GA's six week abortion ban change the legal environment around patient care, which in turn leads to changes in behaviors and decision-making, often resulting in increased patient risk and harm. And if my Ob-Gyn colleague disputes this, I'd ask her to explain why the C-section rate in our highly litigious country are among the highest in the world.

Sep 19, 2024

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Of note, GA Republicans also passed a 6-week abortion ban, in effect since Trump-appointed right-wing SCOTUS judges overturned Roe v. Wade. I guess his opinion that abortion law should be “left to the states” only holds when it’s politically convenient.

Aug 30, 2024

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Reproductive Freedom for All endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Jul 29, 2024

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“Proud to again be endorsed by Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL)! Post-Dobbs, crucial aspects of reproductive care access are now determined at the state level. As the only Democratic physician in the GA Legislature, defending that access is my focus and my mission.”

Jul 26, 2024

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“The GOP denies wanting to ban IVF (as that would be very unpopular), but proposes restrictions that would risk, costs, and the chances of a successful pregnancy. Here Sen. Stetzler, author of GA's 6wk abortion ban, recklessly continues to practice medicine w/o a license.”

Jul 22, 2024

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“Conservatives hostile to reproductive healthcare access but who know restrictions on IVF are unpopular say: You should only fertilize the # of eggs youll need. I hope our IVF webinar guides understanding as we draft health policy together.”

Jul 18, 2024

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“Wonderful discussion with Dr. Robin Fogle, a reproductive endocrinologist and a fertility specialist in Atlanta, about the practice of IVF and the legislative landscape around its practice. Full video is archived on our FB page, or can be viewed here:”

Jul 17, 2024

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Some topics we will cover: Reasons for patients seeking IVF, and what the process looks like The impact "personhood" language restricting abortion might have on the practice of IVF The climate around IVF and reproductive care in GA

Jul 16, 2024

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This candidate is endorsed by Georgia WIN List for the 2024 General Election.

Jul 15, 2024

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This candidate is endorsed by Emily's List in the 2024 General Election.

Jul 15, 2024

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“Sen. Stezler, sponsor of GAs 6-week abortion ban, tips his hand to reveal why the GOP isnt yet satisfied with how much theyve stripped reproductive care access. Legislating life begins at conception effectively eliminates access to IVF and contraceptive methods like IUDs.”

Jun 26, 2024

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“In a post-Dobbs world, reproductive healthcare faces a new and challenging landscape. Join me and Dr. Robin Fogle, an Ob-Gyn specializing in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, as we discuss the science, medicine, and politics of IVF.”

Jun 26, 2024

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“On the two year anniversary of the Dobbs decision, in which Roe v. Wade was overturned and we lost our constitutional right to abortion access, lets revisit this thread about patient care and medical autonomy.”

Jun 24, 2024

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“Data from @pewresearch finds 63% of Americans think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, and additional research using info from Emorys Center for Reproductive Health Research in the Southeast (RISE) said this includes most Georgians as well.”

Jun 22, 2024

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“NOTES FROM THE GOLD DOME: Gun Violence Awareness Month and the progress we've made, work on the battlefield of reproductive healthcare access, launching our HD 50 listening tour, a party invitation, and more!”

Jun 16, 2024

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“The president of Georgia's leading conservative policy group makes it clear they oppose any legislative measures to protect IVF. In the wake of Dobbs, these rights now live or die in state legislatures. This is why electing pro-choice state lawmakers matters more than ever.”

Jun 12, 2024

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“Two years ago, an extremist Supreme Court installed by Republicans overturned the right to abortion care. Now they refuse to protect the right to contraception, basic medical care used by ~90% of sexually active women of reproductive age who dont currently want to be pregnant.”

Jun 7, 2024

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“Louisianas restrictive reclassification of mifepristone and misoprostol could embolden other anti-choice GOP-controlled legislatures (like Georgias) to follow suit. It has never been more important to elect pro-choice candidates to state legislatures.”

May 23, 2024

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Michelle was the only Senator who substantively blocked bans of medication abortion pills at the Capitol, ensuring this critical resource will continue to be available for millions of Georgia women.

May 20, 2024

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“After insisting abortion access is up to the states to decide, the GOP is now panicking b/c the most extreme state abortion bans (defining personhood after fertilization) create a milieu where IVF is illegal. So its not up to the states to decide?”

May 20, 2024

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The Chair of the GA GOP is again telling women they won’t really care about abortion access in November. 1️⃣ Not sure someone who’s never been and will never get pregnant should tell us what we do and don’t care about. 2️⃣ Healthcare access is an issue of “personal economy” too.

May 15, 2024

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“It should be concerning for states with severe restrictions on reproductive rights that so many new physicians across specialties are choosing to apply to other states for training instead. For GAs healthcare workforce shortage, this will be a factor.”

May 10, 2024

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“NOTES FROM THE GOLD DOME: Bills signed into law and other missed opportunities, abortion access and EMTALA law, lots of work in and around the district, and more!”

May 8, 2024

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Emily's List endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Assembly Election.

May 7, 2024

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“As the only pro-choice physician in the GA legislature Im thrilled to again be endorsed by @emilyslist, which knows theres never been a more important time to fight for access to safe, legal abortion care. This isnt a fight we wanted. But its the fight were in. Onward.”

May 3, 2024

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“FL has now banned abortion after 6 weeks of pregnancy (~2 weeks after a patients 1st missed period). FL, NC & VA were the only states in the South offering abortion after 6 weeks. For 6.4M patients the nearest clinic was in FL. Now that option is gone.”

May 1, 2024

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“Justice Kagan noted pregnant women needing emergent abortion care need to be transferred out of Idaho. Its become transfer is the appropriate standard of care in Idaho, but it cant be the right standard of care to force somebody onto a helicopter.”

Apr 25, 2024

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“Recently the Chair of the GA GOP said Georgians wouldnt be energized to vote based on candidates views on abortion. But I learned long ago not to patients what they think is important. Patients tell what they think is important. As will voters in November.”

Apr 23, 2024

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“Complaints that pregnant women were turned away from U.S. emergency rooms spiked in 2022 after SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade. These results are due to the work of anti-choice extremists, who somehow still profess wanting to protect women and babies.”

Apr 19, 2024

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“States that have banned/restricted abortion have fewer maternity care providers, more maternity care deserts, higher rates of maternal mortality and infant death (esp. among women of color), and higher overall death rates for women of reproductive age.”

Apr 17, 2024

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“The near-total abortion ban just ruled enforceable by the Arizona Supreme Court was passed in 1864, more than half a century before women in this country even had the right to vote. This is the world todays Republican Party is forcing us back to.”

Apr 9, 2024

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“Ironically, the 6 week abortion ban in FL will likely drive the greatest # of Floridians to the polls in November to enshrine abortion access with their votes. Unfortunately, in the intervening 7 months many patients across the South will lose critical access to abortion care.”

Apr 1, 2024

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“@BeefycatSupreme The individual conditions that make accessible abortion care a more serious affair are determined by clinical circumstances, not by some arbitrary number of weeks written into law.”

Mar 4, 2024

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“@michael_cutcher Yes, thank you Michael, yours is precisely the type of oversimplistic logic and extremist reasoning that has directly fed the threat of losing access to assisted reproductive care across the country. Appreciate the engagement. Hope you have a good week, be well!”

Mar 4, 2024

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“Make no mistake, IVF is not safe in Georgia. Because for some extremist Republicans, a six week abortion ban was not enough. My remarks at todays Georgia Democratic Party virtual press conference on access to IVF and reproductive healthcare.”

Mar 4, 2024

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“One last clip from my conversation on @PoliticallyGa about the lay of the land here in Georgia regarding embryonic personhood, reproductive health options, and access to IVF. Listen to the whole here:”

Mar 1, 2024

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“So heres the thing. It doesnt matter to them if their laws hurt patients. It doesnt matter that many dont seem to understand how the reproductive system works. IVF, contraception, health education. Some in the GOP wont stop until its all gone.”

Feb 24, 2024

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“On the subject of patients of reproductive age, its worth nothing that the biggest population of uninsured patients by age in GA are 19-34 years old, and that same population would see the greatest gains in access to care with full expansion of Medicaid.”

Jan 31, 2024

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“This ruling and the reasons given are particularly risible given that Texas abortion ban itself governs the practice of medicine. (Also, most specific types of medical treatment are not spelled out in EMTALA, e.g. blood transfusions or antibiotics.)”

Jan 3, 2024

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“EMTALA is federal law requiring emergency rooms to screen and stabilize any patient who presents to the emergency room. The 5th Circuit now says hospitals can refuse to provide such essential care if that care involves abortion.”

Jan 3, 2024

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“@24601_jay Im a sitting lawmaker who authors, debates, and votes on legislation based on its constitutionality and application, in a state with a restrictive abortion ban similar to Texas. So yeah, I think I have the requisite experience to weigh in, particularly on health policy.”

Dec 12, 2023

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“@EmperorOtterus You seem to be confused about my position on political actors superseding patient autonomy and the ethical responsibility of the medical professionals delivering care. Fittingly, these views apply to abortion care as well. Hope this helps!”

Dec 9, 2023

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“Loved talking to these brilliant students this morning about the state of abortion access in Georgia and how this shapes the political and medical landscape. Lassya and Fadzi are AP Gov students at Innovation Academy in Johns Creek, a public magnet school concentrating in STEM.”

Dec 2, 2023

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“The GA Supreme Court decision on the states 6 week abortion ban to be published TOMORROW. Below, my thread walking through #HB481, the 2019 law being contested.”

Oct 23, 2023

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“Wonderful speaking on a panel with my friend (and co-Gabrielle Giffords Rising Star Award nominee) PA Speaker of the House @Joanna4PA on health policy, protecting abortion care, and how critical state legislatures are as the frontline of this fight. (With @emilyslist in NYC)”

Oct 6, 2023

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“Reposting after Trumps preposterous Meet the Press interview and his assertation that abortion rights simply come down to him cutting a deal on the right number of weeks. Determining some arbitrary number of weeks is not the issue. This is the issue”

Sep 17, 2023

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“Lovely to virtually visit a packed room of @DawsonDems and get folks fired up for 2024! I spoke about our work on gun safety, Medicaid access, and defending abortion care. Heartwarming to see Georgia Democrats working hard in every part of the state. Thank you for having me!”

Sep 10, 2023

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As a physician, I took an oath to “first do no harm.” And Georgia’s six week abortion ban, signed into law in 2019, fundamentally violates that oath. It violates the core medical ethics tenet of patient autonomy: patients get to determine how to use their own bodies and choose their own care. It actively harms patients by encouraging delayed or denied best-practice care determined by medical professional societies and experts in the field, which will lead to physical harm or death of patients. And it criminalizes healthcare practitioners for doing their job. Not only will I continue to work on legislation to roll back our current abortion ban (which by all measures was sloppily written with myriad unintended effects), I will continue to block further restrictions to reproductive…

Oct 10, 2022

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“Something that pushed me to run for office was listening to the floor debate on GA’s 6-week abortion ban and being appalled at how the bill’s supporters often confabulated biology, health science, and medical protocol out of thin air.”

Sep 3, 2022

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Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Election.

Aug 23, 2022

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“We are days from Election Day, and state legislative races are where the fight for healthcare access, abortion rights, and gun safety live.”

Jul 31, 2022

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“Im a proud alumna of Wellesley, a womens college whose mission imparts leadership and public service. I now serve as a legislator in Georgia, a state hostile to womens reproductive and healthcare rights. This is the fight we were made for.”

Jul 13, 2022

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“Im a Georgia state senator, but Im also a doctor, and while Im used to helping people, it always feels harder for me to ask for help. I need your help. Please help me, GAs only pro-choice physician legislator, stay in the fight.”

Jun 30, 2022

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“The future of reproductive rights now lives in state legislatures. Make sure the right people are in the fight.”

Jun 30, 2022

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Citing “rape and incest” as the standard allowances for abortion sets a mindset that some reproductive choices are more worthy than others. Patients choose abortion because they don’t want to or can’t carry to term. No one should have to suffer to prove that they deserve care.

Jun 25, 2022

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Voted No on SB 456

Michelle voted against a bill that requires physicians to prescribe abortion pill only after in-person visit; prohibits physician distribution of abortion pill in school facilities or on state property.

Mar 1, 2022

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Vote Pro Choice endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2022

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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2022

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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2020 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2020

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