Let’s meet

Lisa Babbage

Candidate for State Senator,
Georgia Senate District 5


The proof:

This candidate was endorsed by Georgia Right to Life in the 2020 general election: agreeing to oppose abortion even in cases of rape. incest, and fatal fetal anomaly.

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Sheikh Rahman

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The latest from Lisa

This candidate was endorsed by Georgia Right to Life in the 2024 general election: agreeing to oppose abortion even in cases of rape. incest, and fatal fetal anomaly.

Aug 6, 2024

See Endorsement List

This candidate received a Pro-Life Certification from Georgia Life Alliance for the 2024 general election.

Aug 6, 2024

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“#Georgians Ending Abortion”

Aug 21, 2022

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Why do I stand for Life? Joshua Edmonds said it best, “It is so critical to have that pro-life leadership in Washington to support efforts like the Woman’s Right to Know Act, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, The Hyde Amendment, and to defend against the radical abortion industry’s attempts to legalize abortion until and after birth.” Besides, it’s just the right thing to do. Thank you Georgia Life Alliance for another brilliant partnership in the fight for #life

Mar 21, 2022

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“The blood-stained statistics on abortion remain horrific,” said Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) President Ricardo Davis. “But we need to look past the numbers and see the humanity of each person affected by this tragedy. They're family members, co-workers, fellow students and church members. Whether abortion is forced on a helpless victim as occurs in human trafficking, or occurs for another reason, abortion is an evil that has this nation in a death grip and that must be broken. “The blood of those innocent precious children cries out for justice,”

Jan 22, 2022

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This candidate was endorsed by Georgia Right to Life in the 2022 general election: agreeing to oppose abortion even in cases of rape. incest, and fatal fetal anomaly.

Jan 3, 2022

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This candidate was endorsed by Georgia Right to Life in the 2020 general election: agreeing to oppose abortion even in cases of rape. incest, and fatal fetal anomaly.

Jun 5, 2020

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“Maybe #COVID19 will shut down effects of abortion mills…. after 9 months this #QuarantineLife will produce and influx of babies”

Mar 16, 2020

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“While responsibility and care for all life is crucial to sustain it, it is imperative that we recognize the difference between the impact of what some call catastrophic climate change and the murdering of 40 million children through #abortion. #BabbageForCongress”

Sep 23, 2019

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“This is #perfect! #PlannedParenthood exits Title X program rather than comply with White Houses abortion gag rule means we can believe @realDonaldTrump really does know the Art of the Deal #MAGA #BabbageForCongress”

Aug 19, 2019

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“These two ladies are willing to jump in the fray to save babies #AbortionIsMurder #AbortoLegalYa”

Aug 3, 2019

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“President Trump has taken extensive steps to dismantle Title X of the Public Health and Human Service Act, which would prevent further funding of all programs where abortion is a method of family planning.”

Jun 18, 2019

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