This legislator has been a consistent force in the fight to protect and expand abortion rights.
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Send them an email thanking them for their efforts, and remind them how important abortion rights are to you. It's rare that legislators get thanked for their efforts - show them you're paying attention and appreciate the work!
“These two Republican men are playing politics with women's health. I know it’s football season, but women’s rights are not to be played with.”
Sep 24, 2023
“In Georgia, we are still fighting to ensure every woman has full reproductive rights. This is why I support the Reproductive Freedom Amendment that was introduced by my Democratic colleagues in the state senate.”
Mar 13, 2023
“Democrats are pro-choice while Republicans are anti-choice. Dont let the pro-life lingo fool you. Republicans are pro-life until when it comes to promoting gun safety and expanding healthcare access. #gapol”
Aug 17, 2022
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“The federal appeals court has upheld Georgia's 6-week abortion ban. And we are now officially living in a state that restricts womens healthcare. Here's what you can do. #gapol”
Jul 25, 2022
“While Republicans continue to dance with the far right, Democrats have a pro-people plan. We are pro-public safety, pro-choice, pro-healthcare, pro-family and pro-democracy. Remember all this come November 8 Election Day. #gapol”
Jun 12, 2022
“We saw a preview of what the Supreme Court is thinking concerning a womans right to choose. A draft version of the Supreme Courts opinion, which will likely overturn Roe v. Wade, leaked this week. #gapol”
May 9, 2022
Signed a brief addressed to the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold abortion rights. Stating: “The constitutional precepts which State Legislators must protect include the principle enunciated by this Court, as firmly encompassed by the right to privacy, that a woman has the right to decide to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy without undue governmental interference…. “As a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution, and one that strikes at the heart of ordered liberty and individual autonomy, a woman’s right to decide whether to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy should be insulated from the rhetoric and interests of groups whose sole purpose is to undermine Roe and eliminate the fundamental rights enunciated in that case….”
Oct 5, 2021
Karen voted against a bill that bans all abortions after a fetal heartbeat (around 6 weeks). It includes exceptions for medical emergencies and rape or incest (but only up to 20 weeks and if a police report has been filed).
Mar 29, 2019
Karen sponsored a resolution that encourages the GA Legislature to fund a study of the causes of infant and maternal mortality in this state and appoint a commission to propose solutions.
Mar 5, 2019
“Celebrating 3rd Annual Womens March. Standing together for womens reproductive rights, gender pay equity and celebrating women governance.”
Jan 19, 2019
“Confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh is a vote against a womans right to choose and affordable health care. Somebody ought to say something. Tell your US Senator to just say no to threatening Roe v. Wade and 50 + years of progress.”
Aug 2, 2018
“A confirmation for Judge Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice is a Vote against a womans right to choose and a vote against you. Somebody ought to say something today. Tell your US Senator no today!”
Aug 2, 2018
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“POTUS pick of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court threatens Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Womens Right to Choose, Affordable Health Care, Labor, Immigration, Public Education and the World. How much more can America take? Act Now to resist.”
Jul 10, 2018
Karen voted against a bill that redirects state funding to pro-life pregnancy support services.
Mar 11, 2016
“Rep Dar'shun Kendrick in the well speaking for a Women's right to choose. And Reproductive Rights. Vote No on SB 308.”
Mar 11, 2016