Let’s meet

Jasmine Clark

State Representative,
Georgia House District 108


The proof:

Jasmine sponsored a bill that would repeal Georgia’s fetal heartbeat law and allow abortions under 20 weeks (or later under specified circumstances).

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For House District 108

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Elvia Davila

We have not been able to find any information about Elvia's position.

Since they’re a Republican, let’s assume they plan to follow party lines and vote anti-choice unless they say otherwise.

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The latest from Jasmine

“Yesterday’s ruling reinforced what we have always said— it is not the government’s role to tell people what they can and cannot do with their bodies. That runs counter to our constitutional rights to liberty and privacy.”

Oct 1, 2024

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Sister District endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Sep 25, 2024

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Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Sep 20, 2024

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Reproductive Freedom for All endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Jul 29, 2024

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This candidate is endorsed by Emily's List in the 2024 General Election.

Jul 15, 2024

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This candidate is endorsed by Georgia WIN List for the 2024 General Election.

Jul 15, 2024

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Emily's List endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Assembly Election.

May 7, 2024

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“Join me on Tuesday evening for a discussion on why state-level politics are so important!! From reproductive rights to safe communities, do you know what your state legislature is up to? https://go.redwine.blue/StateLegSD”

Mar 1, 2024

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“But, we’re not just playing defense, we’re playing offense. We have HB1, which is a bill that says if the government is going to force people to give birth, then the government should also be forced to take care of that child from birth to 18 years old.”

Mar 10, 2023

Sponsored HB 75

Jasmine sponsored a bill to remove “unborn child” from the definition of “Natural Person” in the Georgia code and replace it with “a human being from the moment of birth”.

Jan 24, 2023

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Sponsored HB 1

Jasmine sponsored a bill that requires Georgia to financially compensate people who cannot have an abortion due to a fetal heartbeat law, by providing benefits for the mother and child.

Nov 22, 2022

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“Great news for reproductive rights, but sets the stage for what we can expect in the next legislative session. They will be coming after our bodily autonomy again, but this time we have a bunch of new players in the game.”

Nov 15, 2022

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“I recently got an email asking why I support abortion. As I explained to himmy stance is not about whether I would have an abortion or not. Its about the fact that we dont know peoples story and the government shouldnt be infringing on their healthcare decisions.”

Nov 4, 2022

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“When asked, twice, Kemp refuses to say that he will NOT sign a more restrictive abortion bill. #Gapol #GAGovDebate”

Oct 30, 2022

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“This episode is so timely, especially here in GA. The GOP would have you believe that people can only care about the economy OR reproductive freedom, when the truth is reproductive freedom is connected to economic issues. And theres actual data to support that.”

Oct 19, 2022

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“Consequences of abortion bans are far-reaching and affect access to reproductive healthcare beyond just one procedure.”

Oct 15, 2022

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“In light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision impacting abortion, I want to ensure women have access in Georgia to all of their reproductive health care choices, including abortion. I will fight any attempts to further restrict women’s rights while also fighting to repeal the current, restrictive anti-choice legislation.”

Oct 10, 2022

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“Im confused now on which story they are going with on the Herschel Walker abortion situation Is it a lie and never happened? Or is it the truth, everybody already knew about it, and its okay b/c control of the Senate matters more than life?”

Oct 6, 2022

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“In GA, we have a near total abortion ban that threatens the health and safety of many! To protect Georgians from further government intrusion and to fight to undo these draconian laws, we must defend this seat. Filing deadline Friday! Can you chip in?”

Sep 27, 2022

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“Proud to stand with my colleagues to denounce Brian Kemps statement that under his leadership banning contraception is possible in GA. Hes already essentially banned abortion. Birth control is now on the table!”

Sep 19, 2022

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“Whats on the ballot this November in GA? Right to medical privacy in reproductive healthcare Safer communities through universal background checks for guns Access to honest education without banning books And so much more! Early voting starts Oct 17th! #Vote”

Sep 19, 2022

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“While the GOP is trying ban abortion nationally, here in GA, I will continue to fight for the right to make our reproductive decisions and the ability of doctors to do their jobs without overzealous, intrusive legislators getting in the way.”

Sep 14, 2022

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“Im proud to be Reproductive Freedom Fighter!”

Aug 26, 2022

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“We havent shied away from the abortion conversation on the podcast, and this week is no different. This time, our special guest discusses the more controversial topic of abortion later in pregnancy. This was an eye-opener, even for me. Check it out.”

Aug 24, 2022

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Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Election.

Aug 23, 2022

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“Them: People care more about the economy than access to reproductive healthcare Me: ummm, you do realize that people can and DO care about more than one thing at a time, right?”

Jul 30, 2022

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“Miscarriages are extremely common. They are also often a very difficult, stressful situation. Newly enacted abortion laws may lead to miscarriages being investigated for suspected abortion. Weve already seen it happen across the country. Elect pro-choice candidates!”

Jul 26, 2022

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“Since yesterdays ruling, a lot of Georgians are rightfully upset, but equally compelled to act. All hope is NOT lost. We can elect pro-choice legislators like myself, along with top state officials like @staceyabrams for Gov and @senatorjen for AG! The power is in our hands!”

Jul 21, 2022

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“Its not too late! You can still join Julia and others across the country in helping pro-choice state-level candidates, like myself, win in November.”

Jul 1, 2022

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Sponsored HR 669

Jasmine sponsored a resolution committing to uphold reproductive freedom in Georgia.

Feb 1, 2022

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Vote Pro Choice endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2022

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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2022

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Signed a brief addressed to the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold abortion rights. Stating: “The constitutional precepts which State Legislators must protect include the principle enunciated by this Court, as firmly encompassed by the right to privacy, that a woman has the right to decide to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy without undue governmental interference…. “As a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution, and one that strikes at the heart of ordered liberty and individual autonomy, a woman’s right to decide whether to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy should be insulated from the rhetoric and interests of groups whose sole purpose is to undermine Roe and eliminate the fundamental rights enunciated in that case….”

Oct 5, 2021

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“Not so random thought- how many powerful Texas men are going to end up getting sued when they pay for their mistress’s abortion? FACT- some of the very men making these forced birth laws have paid for abortions when it was convenient for them.”

Sep 2, 2021

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“Reproductive rights are not a partisan issue; people on both sides of the aisle understand the importance and need for individuals to have the right to make medical and health decisions without politicians meddling in those decisions. As your Representative for HD 108, I will continue to fight against laws like HB 481 that seek to unconstitutionally strip individuals of their right to reproductive choices.”

Sep 9, 2020

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Sponsored HB 1134

Jasmine sponsored a bill that would repeal Georgia’s fetal heartbeat law and allow abortions under 20 weeks (or later under specified circumstances).

Mar 9, 2020

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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2020 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2020

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It was Clark who questioned the sponsor of the near-total abortion ban, Rep. Ed Setzler (R), on the bill’s reference to the nonexistent American Academy of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. She later cited the guidelines and best practices that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) published in support of abortion care. That part was quietly removed in the state senate.

May 23, 2019

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Voted No on HB 481

Jasmine voted against a bill that bans all abortions after a fetal heartbeat (around 6 weeks). It includes exceptions for medical emergencies and rape or incest (but only up to 20 weeks and if a police report has been filed).

Mar 29, 2019

Review Bill