This legislator has been a consistent force in the fight to protect and expand abortion rights.
404 656 0287
Send them an email thanking them for their efforts, and remind them how important abortion rights are to you. It's rare that legislators get thanked for their efforts - show them you're paying attention and appreciate the work!
“Some good news in Georgia! #gapol Judge again strikes down Georgia abortion law, allowing abortions to resume”
Sep 30, 2024
“I have no doubt that this ruling will result in different abortion restricting legislation in GA in the Jan session. Voting for state reps. that protect a woman’s right to choose is URGENT. #gapol Please support down ballot Democratic women, like me!”
Sep 30, 2024
This candidate is endorsed by Georgia WIN List for the 2024 General Election.
Jul 15, 2024
Show More Statements
“2 years ago SCOTUS overturned Roe & its been cataclysmic for women. I co-sponsored the Reproductive Freedom Act, support IVF & will continue the fight next session. Women wont be deterred & Ill never back down.”
Jun 24, 2024
“@RoswellGal @MaraDavis @JoshforGeorgia @GaRepublicans @GAFirstLady It doesnt and no amount of spin or claims of being pro-life justify sacrificing the life (either physically or mentally) of the mother. And forcing a pregnancy violates the fundamental tenants of my religion and others, so I will fight with everything I have.”
Dec 10, 2022
Nov 15, 2022
“I will vigorously oppose any further efforts to limit or eliminate abortion or make voting more difficult”
Nov 9, 2022
“@tanulewicz, this the same Jason Shepherd who called me a Nazi (twice) when I stood up for a woman's right to choose, notwithstanding I am a Jewish woman. He's a peach.”
Nov 5, 2022
“@ballingerlaw Certainly not, and the women who die want their babies (at least before the ban), but if a woman is going to be forced to be pregnant, it should not be a death sentence.”
Oct 26, 2022
“The State's anti abortion Dr expert testifying to some wild conspiracy theories. Judge McBurney isn't having it. Can't wait for cx. And only male lawyers on state side. Terrible optics for State. Love to see it. #bansoffmybody #HB481 #Sistersong”
Oct 25, 2022
“Money is the only thing that matters to Jake. Sad and dangerous. I'm pro-Democracy, pro-choice and pro-spelling. Vote blue up and down! #BlueTsunami2022”
Oct 25, 2022
“Watching the abortion trial in Fulton county-terrible optics that only male lawyers have been asking questions of female experts, most recently, benefits of motherhood, forgetting many who need abortions are already mothers and want their pregnancy. #gapol”
Oct 24, 2022
“If Georgia intends to force pregnancies, at a minimum, it better make pregnancy not a death sentence for women. It is unconscionable that Georgia is #2 WORST for maternal mortality in the US. Pregnancy is 25x more dangerous in Georgia than abortion. #gapol”
Oct 24, 2022
“Did I hear that right? It is 25x more dangerous to the mother to carry a pregnancy to term than to have an abortion in Georgia? Georgia is 2nd worse maternal mortality state in US-Plaintiff expert in HB481 trial .”
Oct 24, 2022
“Im honored to receive the endorsement of @emilyslist. Theyre an amazing organization working to elect pro-choice women everywhere. We have to elect leaders who will protect our rights over our own bodies. If you agree, please donate to my campaign!”
Oct 13, 2022
“This is an urgent and critical situation. We won’t stand for any more of Kemp’s big government overreach or intrusion into our lives. We saw what happened in Kansas, voters showed up and sent a clear message: stop trying to take away our rights. We need leaders who care, who understand that physicians, not politicians, should be the only ones involved in our private, personal health decisions. That’s why we’re here today – organizing around this issue could not be more important. We have to turn our outrage into energy — energy that can engage our communities and translate into big wins this November. And we do that by engaging our loved ones, our friends, our neighbors, and our fellow Georgians. Organizing is the soul of politics — getting on the front lines, putting in the…”
Sep 24, 2022
“Join me @sheaforgeorgia and @PeggyGillen4GA tomorrow as we knock doors in Sandy Springs to make sure voters know what's at stake and why we need to elect pro-choice Democrats up and down the ballot. We will kick off the program at 11:45! Let's go, Y'all!”
Sep 23, 2022
“If you think Georgia's new abortion law couldn't be more restrictive wait until you see what activists have planned for the upcoming session. They aim to eliminate the exceptions for rape and incest. There's also a move to impose a total ban on abortions, with ZERO exceptions. Brian Kemp has even refused to say that he will protect our right to contraceptives. I will be the fighter District 51 needs to stand up for women's reproductive rights and women's healthcare in general. I need you to fight with me with your vote.”
Sep 20, 2022
“If you think Georgia's new abortion law couldn't be more restrictive wait until you see what conservatives have planned for the upcoming session. I will be the fighter District 51 needs to stand up for women's reproductive rights and women's healthcare in general. #gapol”
Sep 20, 2022
“The Georgia Legislature needs more pro-choice voices like Esthers. Help us send her to the Capitol by donating time or money! Use the links below. #gapol #prochoice #estherpanitch”
Aug 8, 2022
We submitted this as an Op-Ed to the AJC earlier today:…
Jun 24, 2022
“As of this morning, a conservative majority in the Supreme Court overturned 50 years of Constitutional protection for safe and legal abortions. Join us this Sunday as we march for our rights. If Congress refuses to stand up to attacks on abortion rights, we must do so here in Georgia, at the state level. I see your anger, I see your fear. Let's turn it into action. When we stand together we're unstoppable.”
Jun 24, 2022
“Last night Politico published a leaked draft of a major Supreme Court decision. The document specifically calls for Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey to be overturned. Written by Justice Alito, the decision takes aim at the previous interpretation of 14th Amendment where due process prevents the Government from infringing on our right to privacy. The right to privacy not only protects women seeking abortion but protects LGBT equality, decriminalizes interracial marriage, and protects individual’s rights to buy contraceptives. …”
May 3, 2022
Vote Pro Choice endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.
Jan 3, 2022
Georgia National Organization for Women has endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.
Jan 3, 2022
Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.
Jan 3, 2022