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Elena Parent

State Senator,
Georgia Senate District 42


The proof:

Elena sponsored a resolution that proposes a constitutional amendment to create and protect the right to reproductive freedom in GA, including abortion without limit up until fetal viability.

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The latest from Elena

“Judge McBurney's decision striking down GA's six-week abortion ban comes too late for Amber Thurman, Candi Miller, and doubtless other women whose names we will learn. But there is a reprieve. Will the GA Supreme Court also heed the Constitution in the weeks ahead? #gapol”

Sep 30, 2024

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Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Sep 20, 2024

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“A disturbing must-read. Amber Thurman's death was preventable and was related to Georgia's six-week abortion ban. Her son no longer has a mother. Gov. Kemp and GA Republicans need to FIX THIS as women suffer and die. #gapol”

Sep 18, 2024

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Reproductive Freedom for All endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Jul 29, 2024

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This candidate is endorsed by Georgia WIN List for the 2024 General Election.

Jul 15, 2024

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“Elena Parent believes that affordable, quality healthcare should be accessible for all Americans. As the Executive Director of Georgia Watch, Elena has worked tirelessly to educate Georgians about their healthcare options. In the Senate, she'll take on the Republicans who have refused to expand Medicaid. Elena will lead the fight to ensure more working Georgians have access to basic healthcare coverage. INCLUDING: Reproductive Rights - like abortion and birth control.”

Jun 17, 2024

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“Thank you, @PPSE_Advocates! I am proud to stand with you in the fight for reproductive freedom! #gapol”

May 16, 2024

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“Congratulations to Rep.-Elect Lands. A head-turning victory for a candidate who campaigned against Republican policies on IVF and abortion in Alabama.”

Mar 26, 2024

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Sponsored SB 565

Elena sponsored a bill that ensures access to in vitro fertility treatment is not compromised by the definition or status of a human embryo created outside a human uterus.

Feb 27, 2024

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“Thank you @Decaturish for making sure my voice is heard. I wish GA voters could be heard too when it comes to critical issues like reproductive healthcare. #gapol #ReproductiveHealth @abortionrightsvoter #takecontrl @GASenateDems”

Nov 8, 2023

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“The roll for Democrats in the post-Trump/post-Dobbs era continues. Voters still care about democracy and their reproductive rights. Polls have been consistently undervaluing these trends. Good D news in my home state of VA, and congratulations to fellow Law Hoo @AndyBeshearKY!”

Nov 7, 2023

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“As this Court hurtles America to the right on race, guns, abortion, remember: ALL elections have consequences. 2/3”

Jun 29, 2023

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Sponsored SR 186

Elena sponsored a resolution that commends the work of the Georgia Federation of Democratic Women and the fight for gender equality.

Feb 21, 2023

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Sponsored SR 136

Elena sponsored a resolution that proposes a constitutional amendment to create and protect the right to reproductive freedom in GA, including abortion without limit up until fetal viability.

Feb 14, 2023

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Sponsored SB 15

Elena sponsored a bill to remove “unborn child” from the definition of “Natural Person” in the Georgia code and replace it with “a human being from the moment of birth”.

Jan 24, 2023

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“Gov Kemp is simultaneously appealing the ruling overturning Georgia’s six-week abortion ban that he signed into law AND stumping for an absentee father who allegedly pressured multiple women into abortions. Just so much hypocrisy! #gapol”

Nov 16, 2022

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Let’s see…the legislature “taking another bite at the Apple” on abortion during the upcoming session, while Trump is running for President and Georgia’s new Speaker and LG try to find their footing, with more Democratic legislators than in 2019, promises to be quite interesting

Nov 15, 2022

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“This great new ad! Real people are harmed by the rushed hack job of Georgia’s abortion law — championed by Gov. Kemp. @staceyabrams”

Oct 17, 2022

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“I am proud to be endorsed by @PPSE_Advocates! I will continue to fight for women's reproductive rights and to make abortion safe and legal in Georgia.”

Oct 14, 2022

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“Proud to stand with my colleagues to call attention to Gov. Kemp’s openness to banning emergency contraception. First the 6-week abortion ban and now this! 1/2”

Sep 19, 2022

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“WouId any of us even be in the General Assembly if women hadn’t been given reproductive rights? You don’t see many women in the legislative photos that dot the Capitol from the era before women had the right to control their reproductive futures. #gapol 2/2”

Sep 19, 2022

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“With women fired up & angry about having their freedom stripped, Republicans are doubling down on abortion restrictions as Lindsay Graham proposes banning abortions nationwide after 15 weeks.”

Sep 13, 2022

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“There’s no two ways about it. The GOP abortion ban in GA puts pregnant women in danger.”

Sep 12, 2022

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“A Georgia city led by an entirely female team trying to put abortion decisions back where they belong: with women, their families, and doctors. #gapol”

Sep 9, 2022

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Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Election.

Aug 23, 2022

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“.@POTUS and the Democratic Congress have delivered again for the American people. While Republicans put more guns on the streets and ban abortion, Democrats are bringing down the cost of prescription drugs and investing in the clean-energy jobs of the future!”

Aug 16, 2022

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“@bluestein @ossoff A check on far-right legislation is exactly what Georgia needs! The abortion ban and the criminal carry gun bill are totally out of step with the average Georgia voter.”

Aug 16, 2022

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“This girl is too immature to decide to have an abortion but mature enough to be a mother?! Inconceivable.”

Aug 16, 2022

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“Georgia’s near-total abortion ban means that women who are miscarrying face very different medical care than under Roe. Scared doctors are at times waiting for miscarrying women to be septic before initiating care. Only one candidate for Gov can stop this — @staceyabrams.”

Aug 3, 2022

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Don’t miss this opportunity to find out what we know— and don’t know— about the new abortion landscape in GA, including multiplying questions about the “personhood” element. #gapol

Jul 23, 2022

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“Republicans rushed to pass this six-week (which is really 4 weeks pregnant) abortion ban & personhood for fetuses law without considering all the implications or getting the required financial analyses done. Now that it’s law, we’ll begin to find out what it means.”

Jul 23, 2022

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“For years, women in Georgia and across the country have worried about this day. We’ve marched and sounded the alarm at every Supreme Court appointment made by Republicans. …”

Jun 24, 2022

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“SB456. limiting access to medical abortions, passed the GA State Senate on a party line vote yesterday. The debate was filled with claims that it 'protects' women. If we are genuinely invested in protecting women, we would prioritize access to health care, contraception, expand Medicaid , paid family and medical leave, affordable childcare, and other public policies that support maternal health and child rearing.”

Mar 2, 2022

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Voted No on SB 456

Elena voted against a bill that requires physicians to prescribe abortion pill only after in-person visit; prohibits physician distribution of abortion pill in school facilities or on state property.

Mar 1, 2022

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Signed a brief addressed to the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold abortion rights. Stating: “The constitutional precepts which State Legislators must protect include the principle enunciated by this Court, as firmly encompassed by the right to privacy, that a woman has the right to decide to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy without undue governmental interference…. “As a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution, and one that strikes at the heart of ordered liberty and individual autonomy, a woman’s right to decide whether to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy should be insulated from the rhetoric and interests of groups whose sole purpose is to undermine Roe and eliminate the fundamental rights enunciated in that case….”

Oct 5, 2021

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Voted No on HB 481

Elena voted against a bill that bans all abortions after a fetal heartbeat (around 6 weeks). It includes exceptions for medical emergencies and rape or incest (but only up to 20 weeks and if a police report has been filed).

Mar 22, 2019

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Voted No on SB 308

Elena voted against a bill that redirects state funding to pro-life pregnancy support services.

Mar 24, 2016

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