This legislator has consistently shown that they will protect abortion rights.
404 656 0265
Thank them for their consistency. Your support will encourage them to continue to vote this way, and may give them the confidence to become a stronger advocate of pro-choice legislation.
This candidate is endorsed by Georgia WIN List for the 2024 General Election.
Jul 15, 2024
“We have to continue not only the journey, the fight because nobody has a right to decide what is going to happen to our bodies. The only thing I can say is be encouraged and continue to what we have been doing all year long.”
Nov 16, 2022
“This is one of the worst things in history for women. A decision of that magnitude should be made by the woman who is involved and not by the Supreme Court. Even though people have their own opinion, and I have mine, it is a personal thing, within a family or an individual. I feel it will set women back a number of years. But we must continue to fight to make the decisions that we want, not have them made by others”
Jun 24, 2022
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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.
Jan 3, 2022