This legislator is dangerous. Their position on abortion is completely out of touch: advocating for some of the most extreme abortion bans being considered right now.
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Call your legislator and make it clear that they are going too far. Try to urge them to walk away from their most extreme positions.
“The Supreme Court of the United States has clearly given states the authority to protect the lives of the unborn, as we have seen many other states implement policies similar to Georgia’s LIFE Act. This local court decision reflects the politics of a judge who will run for re-election in a Democratic county, not the law of the land.”
Oct 1, 2024
“I believe life starts at conception, and that in every little fetus is the seed of greatness. Each one is a little person that has something amazing to contribute to the world.”
May 20, 2024
“It is so critical to have pro-life leadership in the Legislature to support efforts like the Heartbeat Bill and to defend against the radical abortion industry’s attempts to legalize abortion until and after birth.”
May 15, 2024
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Frontline Policy Action, an organization that advocates for biblical values and supports candidates that would affirm those values in office, endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Assembly Election.
May 13, 2024
“Honored to have these four conservative champions endorse me for re-election! My promise is to continue advocating for limited government, lower taxes, pro-life values, and Second Amendment rights, by putting policy over politics, and promoting transparency. #gapol”
May 13, 2024
“My promise is to continue advocating for limited government, lower taxes, pro-life values, and Second Amendment rights, by putting policy over politics, and promoting transparency.”
May 13, 2024
“On this Sunday, let us reflect on all the lives that were taken before they were able to contribute their greatness to the world. I believe life starts at conception and each tiny human deserves the right to life.”
Apr 24, 2024
“@wcantrell I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born. -Ronald Reagan”
Mar 14, 2023
“All babies deserve a chance at life.”
Jun 28, 2022
“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love but to use violence to get what they want. - Mother Teresa”
Jun 26, 2022
“No such thing as a pro-choice pastor its called being a false teacher. Im looking forward to helping @HerschelWalker win in November and elect someone who values all human lives.”
Jun 25, 2022
"In recognition of your courageous, conservative leadership at the State Capitol, you are hereby awarded the Frontline Heartbeat Defender. I'm honored to have received this award from Frontline Policy Action and am proud of my vote for the LIFE Act. I stand with the unborn.
May 17, 2022
This candidate received a Pro - Life Certification from GA Life Alliance in 2022.
Jan 3, 2022
“Its exactly why Im voting for Senators Kelly Loeffler & David Perdue. They believe in human worth & that all babies are wanted. Not just the babies liberals think are worthy of breathing oxygen.”
Jan 3, 2021
“Let us not support the killing of unborn babies, but instead let us be the protectors and champions of the next generation. They matter and they are our future.”
Aug 26, 2020
“Amazing time this morning at @freechapel for the Life Is Beautiful event with an amazing man of God, Pastor @Jentezen! Very thankful for pastors like Jentezen who want to protect the lives of the unborn and show love to those affected by abortion! #ProLife #LifeIsBeautiful”
Apr 13, 2019
“Sorry to burst your bubble, @NoSafeSeatsGA, for your threats, but Ill always stand for the rights of babies to live and not be killed! Its babies over politics every time! Proud to be #prolife! All Lives Matter! #gapol”
Apr 4, 2019
David voted to pass a bill that bans all abortions after a fetal heartbeat (around 6 weeks). It includes exceptions for medical emergencies and rape or incest (but only up to 20 weeks and if a police report has been filed).
Mar 29, 2019
The left complains constantly about wanting "equal opportunity for all", yet they are willing to take the opportunity of life away from innocent babies. #ProLife #HB481 #HeartbeatBill #AllLivesMatter #GaPol
Mar 7, 2019
“I do not believe the promises of the Declaration of Independence are just for the strong, the independent, the healthy. They are for everyone-including unborn children. #ProLife #HB481 #HeartbeatBill #AllLivesMatter #GaPol”
Mar 7, 2019
“I cant wait to vote today for #HB481! #AllLivesMatter …even babies with a heart beat! #ProLife #GApol Ive noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”
Mar 7, 2019
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Abortion does not end the life of a potential human being. It ends the life of an ACTUAL human being with great potential" #ProLife #AllLivesMatter #HB481 #HeartbeatBill #GaPol
Mar 7, 2019
“Proud of you,@thecjpearson! Thanks for always standing for what is right and just! I know the babies who havent been born yet are extremely thankful also! Honored to call you a friend. #ThankYou #ProLife”
Jan 25, 2019
“Proud to be Pro-Life! #AllLivesMatter #ProLife”
May 2, 2018
David voted to pass a bill that redirects state funding to pro-life pregnancy support services.
Mar 11, 2016