This legislator is dangerous. Their position on abortion is completely out of touch: advocating for some of the most extreme abortion bans being considered right now.
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Call your legislator and make it clear that they are going too far. Try to urge them to walk away from their most extreme positions.
Carden voted to pass a bill that requires physicians to prescribe abortion pill only after in-person visit; prohibits physician distribution of abortion pill in school facilities or on state property.
Mar 1, 2022
Carden sponsored a bill recognizing the work of Rachel Guy, who is a pro-life advocate and founder of pro-life organizations.
Feb 8, 2022
Carden sponsored a bill recognizing the work of Suzanne Guy, who is a pro-life advocate and founder of a pro-life organization.
Feb 8, 2022
Carden sponsored a bill that requires physicians to prescribe abortion pill only after in-person visit; prohibits physician distribution of abortion pill in school facilities or on state property.
Feb 3, 2022
“Carden Summers is a strong conservative Republican who is 100% Pro-life”
May 16, 2020