Let’s meet

Betsy Holland

State Representative,
Georgia House District 54


The proof:

Betsy sponsored a bill that would repeal Georgia’s fetal heartbeat law and allow abortions under 20 weeks (or later under specified circumstances).

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For House District 54

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Sam Brown-Parks

We have not been able to find any information about Sam's position.

Since they’re a Republican, let’s assume they plan to follow party lines and vote anti-choice unless they say otherwise.

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The latest from Betsy

Reproductive Freedom for All endorsed this candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Jul 29, 2024

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This candidate is endorsed by Georgia WIN List for the 2024 General Election.

Jul 15, 2024

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“I am a staunch defender of women’s right to reproductive healthcare and the freedom to make their own reproductive health decisions. I also support extended maternity and post-partum benefits, affordable and accessible contraception, and access to fertility testing and treatments.”

May 27, 2024

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“Today, I stood with my fellow @gahousedems and @GASenateDems on the 51st anniversary of the passage of Roe v. Wade. We will stop at nothing to restore reproductive freedom in Georgia and to ensure that our daughters have the same rights their mothers and grandmothers had. #gapol”

Jan 22, 2024

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“The next time you vote in a local election, please remember the state GOP is prioritizing an all-out ban on abortion, protecting confederate monuments & funneling tax dollars to private schools via school vouchers.”

Jun 12, 2023

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“This is why we never give up fighting for reproductive rights.”

Nov 15, 2022

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“Endorsement Alert! @PPSE_Advocates endorses Rep. Holland in her re-election campaign. A vote for Betsy is a vote to protect the reproductive freedom of women in Georgia!”

Oct 19, 2022

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“I do not believe our government should limit a woman’s ability to make reproductive health care decisions. Those decisions should be made between a woman and her medical provider. I will work to protect Georgians’ rights to make their own reproductive health care decisions.”

Oct 10, 2022

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ENDORSEMENT ALERT! @emilyslist is thrilled to endorse Betsy Holland for reelection, said Sarah Curmi, VP at EMILYs List. During her tenure, she has been a tenacious and outspoken advocate for reproductive rights, gun safety, and expanding health care access.

Oct 6, 2022

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Endorsement alert! @VoteChoice endorses Rep. Betsy Holland in her re-election campaign. Protect your reproductive freedom - vote Betsy on Nov. 8th!

Oct 3, 2022

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“Today, Senator Lindsey Graham introduced a national abortion ban bill. The fight for reproductive freedom is in the hands of the states now. A vote for Betsy Holland is a vote to protect the women of Georgia. Endorsed by @VOTEPROCHOICE, @gawinlist, @naral, & @PPSE_Advocates,”

Sep 13, 2022

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“Took a night off from campaign work to see one of our favorite bands @TheDecemberists. Thanks @colinmeloy for donating a portion of tix sales to reproductive rights orgs. Maybe we can make everything a little less awful.”

Aug 28, 2022

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Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Election.

Aug 23, 2022

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“Gov Kemp bragged HB481 would be the most restrictive abortion law in the US. Huge majority of Republicans in the leg voted for this. AG Carr fought to make this the law. Women have lost reproductive freedom in GA. Mad as hell? So am I. Take that energy to the ballot box this Nov”

Jul 20, 2022

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“Today is a hard day. But we must keep fighting. And we must stay angry. I will never stop fighting for a women's right to choose. #roevwade”

Jun 24, 2022

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“Reminder - HB481 bans abortion at 6 weeks. Thats 4 weeks after conception & 2 weeks after a missed period. There are VERY FEW exceptions. This is what Kemp & AG Chris Carr are fighting for right now. We need @staceyabrams and @senatorjen to get elected and fight for US. #roe”

Jun 24, 2022

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“Traveling this weekend but still joining in a #BansOffOurBodies rally to stand up for reproductive freedoms. @PPact @NARALGA”

May 14, 2022

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(Rep Holland) said an abortion ban would be an “economic disaster for the state.” She pointed out that after HB 481 passed in 2019, some businesses decided to withdraw from the state. Parents of female college students told her they wanted their daughters to study out-of-state, where their rights would be protected. “If you’re an ob/gyn, are you going to come to a state where you have to choose between upholding the Hippocratic oath or keeping yourself out of jail?,” asked Holland.

May 9, 2022

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“So grateful to have a physician-legislator in @AuforGA who drilled down with some important questions during the committee hearing today on SB 456, a measure that would further restrict women's access to reproductive healthcare and medical abortion care in GA.”

Feb 9, 2022

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“Expect headlines in the coming month to include bills for lessening gun restrictions, increasing restrictions on reproductive health & censorship in K-12 schools. Spoiler alert: I'm not in favor of any of that. #gapol”

Jan 4, 2022

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Vote Pro Choice endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2022

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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2022

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Signed a brief addressed to the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold abortion rights. Stating: “The constitutional precepts which State Legislators must protect include the principle enunciated by this Court, as firmly encompassed by the right to privacy, that a woman has the right to decide to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy without undue governmental interference…. “As a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution, and one that strikes at the heart of ordered liberty and individual autonomy, a woman’s right to decide whether to terminate a pre-viability pregnancy should be insulated from the rhetoric and interests of groups whose sole purpose is to undermine Roe and eliminate the fundamental rights enunciated in that case….”

Oct 5, 2021

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“I will always fight for a woman's right to choose.”

Oct 2, 2021

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Betsy is the only candidate in this race that supports comprehensive women's reproductive rights. The choice is clear.

Oct 21, 2020

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“If the balance of the Supreme Court is in jeopardy, state legislation on reproductive and women's rights legislation becomes even more important. My votes reflect my values - I will always fight for women's reproductive rights.”

Sep 21, 2020

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“So proud to once again have the support of NARAL Pro-Choice America and NARAL Pro-choice Georgia. We must continue the fight in the Georgia legislature to protect women's access to reproductive healthcare. You can support me now at”

Aug 17, 2020

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“Friends, I'm running for re-election. I want to continue the fight for healthcare access, womens reproductive health, smart economic recovery, strong public education and justice for all of Georgias citizens. I can't do it without your help.”

Jun 30, 2020

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“Good news for womens reproductive autonomy.”

Jun 29, 2020

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Sponsored HB 1134

Betsy sponsored a bill that would repeal Georgia’s fetal heartbeat law and allow abortions under 20 weeks (or later under specified circumstances).

Mar 9, 2020

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Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2020 General Assembly Election.

Jan 3, 2020

See Endorsement List

Voted No on HB 481

Betsy voted against a bill that bans all abortions after a fetal heartbeat (around 6 weeks). It includes exceptions for medical emergencies and rape or incest (but only up to 20 weeks and if a police report has been filed).

Mar 29, 2019

Review Bill