This legislator has been a consistent force in the fight to protect and expand abortion rights.
404 656 0116
Send them an email thanking them for their efforts, and remind them how important abortion rights are to you. It's rare that legislators get thanked for their efforts - show them you're paying attention and appreciate the work!
“Critical thinking + media literacy are essential. This is op/ed, not fact. Author heads an anti-abortion medical association. Kemp + GA GOP own the 6 wk abortion ban they passed, + all its deadly consequences for women. They are extreme + wildly out of step w/ Georgians. #gapol”
Sep 19, 2024
“On Friday I spoke at the Fighting for Reproductive Freedom bus tour here in Savannah. It was an honor to join with these amazing women as they shared their stories. We will continue to fight for reproductive freedom, and we will elect leaders like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz who trust women.”
Sep 7, 2024
“This. The GA GOP is committed to enabling and electing Trump. Full stop. From the MAGA takeover of the state elections board to the regressive policies like the abortion ban, to all the GA electeds, including the gov and First Lady, working to get him elected. #gapol”
Sep 2, 2024
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This candidate is endorsed by Georgia WIN List for the 2024 General Election.
Jul 15, 2024
“Wildly out of touch take from @ajc, urging voters to ignore all that @POTUS has accomplished over the last 3.5 years, on the economy and gun safety, for example, and all that Americans value, like protecting democracy and restoring reproductive rights.”
Jun 29, 2024
“I support every woman’s right to access a full range of reproductive healthcare services. Reproductive healthcare is essential in order for women to maintain their own health and in order to be the loving, present, and responsible parents their children deserve. I believe sex education should be evidence-based, contraception should be accessible to all Georgians, prenatal and postnatal care should be comprehensive, and decisions about whether and when to become a mother are decisions the women of Georgia can and should make for themselves.”
Jun 3, 2024
“Today marks the 51st anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, which recognized the constitutional right of American women to safe, legal abortion. The right of women to access a full range of safe reproductive care is now at the whim of state legislatures, many of them, including Georgia’s, gerrymandered such that their laws do not reflect the will of their people. We will never stop fighting for the right of women to access the health care they need, to decide when and if they wish to become mothers, and to make the decisions that are best for them and their families.”
Jan 22, 2024
“The GA Supreme Ct today ruled that GAs 6 week abortion ban will remain in effect while the case heads back to Superior Ct for a ruling on constitutionality. Another blow to women, families and doctors in GA.”
Oct 24, 2023
“Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, which recognized the constitutional right of American women to safe, legal abortion. As we know, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed that right in the recent Dobbs decision, and the right of women to access a full range of safe reproductive care is now at the whim of state legislatures, many of them, including Georgia’s, gerrymandered such that their laws do not reflect the will of their people. We will never stop fighting for the right of women to access the health care they need, to decide when and if they wish to become mothers, and to make the decisions that are best for them and their families.”
Jan 22, 2023
“I am part of that pro-choice majority and I do not apologize for it and I will not be quiet about it. I am a mother and I am pro-choice. I am a lifelong Christian and I am pro-choice. These identities are not mutually exclusive. Abortion is part of a range of reproductive healthcare services to which women—all women, no matter what state they live in—need access over the course of their lives. …”
May 3, 2022
“Today’s Savannah March for Abortion Rights was important. Never in our history have we seen our constitutional rights to privacy contract. The law has been a tool for expansion of human rights. Today was the motivation needed to keep fighting and a reminder to elect candidates that will move society in the right direction.”
Mar 14, 2022
Vote Pro Choice endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.
Jan 3, 2022
Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2022 General Assembly Election.
Jan 3, 2022
“Absolutely my experience. You can love babies, especially your own, with every ounce of your being *and* understand how wholly it is giving your body, self, life. It should only ever be because it is a womans choice.”
Sep 1, 2021
Georgia WIN List endorsed this candidate for the 2020 General Assembly Election.
Jan 3, 2020