Nick sponsored a bill that requires physicians to perform in-person exams and gives a right to sue physicians and manufacturers who do not meet their duties related to prescribing or shipping abortion medications.
Jan 30, 2025
“Although our laws have recently been strengthened, Arizona’s current abortion laws would have only prevented 6% of those abortions. We as a society have clearly failed our women and children. We must work toward building an Arizona where every mother in crisis is empowered through tangible and other means to choose life and success for their sons and daughters, both before and after birth.”
Sep 5, 2024
“Abortion has been a huge topic in AZ recently & it often reminds me of how doctors wanted to abort our daughter. 8 years ago today we added Guyana to our family & this was the first photo of her as a Kupper. I am so glad that her biological mother chose life! My wife wrote about our adoption story here:”
May 11, 2024