Let’s meet

Mark Finchem

State Senator,
Arizona Senate District 1


The proof:

“The Arizona Supreme Court and it's ruling on the status of Arizona's existing pro-life law is a win for unborn children all over the state, and our posterity that has not even yet been conceived. It is a black letter law ruling that I wholeheartedly support. We must protect life and doing what is right on such a critical issue - life - is more important than catering to special interests. #ProLife”

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What to do now:

Tell Mark they do not represent you:

This legislator is dangerous. Their position on abortion is completely out of touch: advocating for some of the most extreme abortion bans being considered right now.

How to reach him:
What to say:

Call your legislator and make it clear that they are going too far. Try to urge them to walk away from their most extreme positions.

  • Introduce yourself, including your relation to the district.
  • Emphasize your role in the local community.
  • Explain why you do not agree with their position. Personal stories that exemplify the problems these bans would create are helpful.
  • Ask if they will protect the right to an abortion in such cases.
  • If they say no, ask them how they plan to fund more public childcare and maternal healthcare.