Let’s meet

Eric Stafford

Former Candidate for State Senator,
Arizona Senate District 29


The proof:

“Women, couples, and families are more than capable of making these personal choices with their doctors without politicians having their say in OUR business.”

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The latest from Eric

“Women, couples, and families are more than capable of making these personal choices with their doctors without politicians having their say in OUR business.”

Aug 31, 2024

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“Joined the Abortion Access Act (AAA) team in celebrating her last few days of petitions before they submit for the July 3rd deadline. The room was filled with some of the most dedicated and wonderful people, and hard workers who dedicated so much of their time and energy to helping to protect our freedoms. I want to thank all of the people fighting for our rights, and thank everyone for signing, gathering, and notarizing the hundreds of thousands of signatures gathered over the last year. Now, we just need to make it to The ballot box and make our voice heard! #arizonaabortionaccessact #reproductivehealth #arizonapolitics #stafford4az #healthcarerisingaz”

Jun 27, 2024

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“Arizona's fully Republican supreme Court voted to return women's Abortion rights back to 1864. This law existed before women had the right to vote, and now it is back from the dead. Many people do not know that the ONLY treatment for a miscarriage is an abortion. This law provides no exceptions for rape, incest, or for helping remove dead fetuses from the mother's body. If that sounds brutal, it is because it is. This is barbaric, and I'm disappointed to find that 1/2 of our legislature, and all of our supreme Court are unwilling to uphold the lives and safety of women, and of families and couples to make their own reproduction choices with their doctor. If they cannot learn to compromise, let's send these idiots and losers packing.”

Apr 10, 2024

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